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It was raining again and Hyewon found herself standing in front of Sicheng's front door. It was a late Saturday afternoon and usually she'd have been there already or he'd be at her house. This time, however, she found it difficult to get herself to knock on the door.

This was unlike her. This place was after all her second home. But she stood on their porch, slightly wet from running through the pouring rain, now simply staring at the door.

"What is going on with you?" She whispered to herself. This wasn't supposed to be so hard, but since she came here with a reason, the hesitancy was holding her back. So, she turned on her heels, about to go back home again when the door swung open.

"Hyewon?" A female voice called. Hyewon wanted to hit herself for getting caught, but slowly turned back around.

"Hi, Mrs Dong." She greeted and awkwardly waved at the woman.

Mrs Dong laughed at her. "Oh, dear, what are you doing out here in the rain. Come in!" The older woman waved her in and Hyewon had no choice but to follow instruction.

"Who's at the door, Ma?" A younger girl asked and once she saw Hyewon, her eyes immediately lit up. "Hyewon!" She exclaimed and rushed to embrace the older.

"Hi, Yuqing." Hyewon said, struggling as the girl was squeezing the life out of her.

Yuqing is Sicheng's 12 year old sister. She's known Yuqing for the girl's entire life and at this point she was like her own little sister.

"Okay, that's enough. You're going to suffocate her, Yuqing." They saw Sicheng make his way down the stairs and the younger immediately released Hyewon from her iron grip. Hyewon softly patted Yuqing's head when she saw the sad look on the girl's face. The action immediately cheered her up, however and she went running back to the living room, giggling happily.

Hyewon watched after her with a small smile on her face. Then she looked over at Sicheng, who was watching her. She raised an eyebrow at him and he chuckled. "Hey." He started. He then reached out and lightly tugged at her wrist. "Come on."

They went up to his room. As soon as she entered the room though, she felt anxious. She's been alone with him in this very room countless of times before, but for some reason this time it felt different. There was this weird energy in the air and her stomach was in knots.

"Here," A hoodie was thrown into her lap and she looked at it then stared at him in confusion. "You're going to get sick if you keep that on." He pointed at her sweater that was wet from the rain.

"Oh." She muttered before pulling the hem of her sweater over her head. Sicheng's eyes widened and immediately looked away from her. Once, she saw the embarrassed look on his face, she let out a giggle, her nerves dissolving. "It's fine. I have a shirt on underneath this, you know?"

A soft blush spread on his cheeks at her words but he pretended to busy himself with his books on his desk to try to hide it.

"So, uhm, why'd you come?" He changed the subject. At first she didn't answer and Sicheng carefully looked back at her only to be met with her smiling at him as she leaned back on her arms. "What?"

"Nothing." She said, the grin on her face widening. Sicheng walked over and plopped himself onto his bed right beside her. "You know we can tell each other anything, right?"

Sicheng looked up at her, perplexed to say the least. "Yes... And?"

"So, there's not anything you're keeping from me, right?" Sicheng froze the second the words left her mouth. He didn't know where the sudden question even came from.

"What makes you think that?" He sat up straight again, gulping to hide his awkwardness. But Hyewon only shrugged in response which he wasn't sure was a good or bad thing. "What about you? Anything you want to tell me?"

Hyewon's eyes shot up to his again. "Actually..." She started and Sicheng's heart started racing. Oh, God, no. He didn't know what to think because she seemed to be full of surprises these days. "I have a boyfriend now?"

His face dropped and so did his heart. He tried forcing a smile but was afraid Hyewon might notice how fake it is. "Congratulations, Hye." Short and simple. It's not like it just took everything in him to say those two words.

Hyewon returned the smile, although it looked rather pained than genuine but that could only be his wishful thinking. "Right... Right, thank you. I was going to tell you sooner, but... Stuff came up so..."

Sicheng nodded at her stupid explanation and even though he tried to resist it, he leaned over to embrace her. At first, Hyewon was shocked but she happily wrapped her arms around him as well. "I'm happy for you. I really am." He whispered right beside her ear.

Her stomach did that thing again. She was feeling that feeling again and still like all the other times before, she couldn't explain it. And when they pulled away, slow and dreaded, they're faces were so close to each other. Both gulped as their eyes met and before Hyewon knew it Sicheng had looked away and moved to get more distance between their bodies.

As much as she was thankful that he was so quick on his feet, she just couldn't stop imagining what it would be like if she had just leaned forward and pressed their lips together. Was that even a normal thought to have about your best friend? She assumed that it's happened to many other friends before. But was it normal for your heart to start racing at the thought of it too?

 But was it normal for your heart to start racing at the thought of it too?

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the way everyone hates hyewon, lmaooo 💀

anyway, i just wanted to ask if y'all would mind if i write some chapters that aren't hyewon or sicheng centered? like i feel like i really want to write about markri and renhyuck (maybe even some jae idk) because their stories have kind of been helping move the plot along? so, would it be a problem if there were a few chapters that aren't like part of the main plot?

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