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"What's got you smiling like that?"

Hyewon shrieked, almost dropping her phone. Jaehyun wore his usual grin, his dimples on full display. The way he was leaning against the wall with that look was enough to make any girl fall for him. However, Hyewon knew Jaehyun too well and instead of the typical heart eyes, she gave him a glare.

"And you had to scare me for what reason exactly?" She asked.

Jaehyun let out an airy laugh as his hand shot to the back of his neck. "Sorry, I just saw you and you looked so creepy just smiling at nothing. Made me curious on what's got you so happy."

Hyewon blankly stared at him before rolling her eyes. "Can't a girl just be happy anymore?"

"Not when it's a Monday." He raised his eyebrow, somehow challenging her.

She heaved a sigh, pocketing her phone and then gestured for Jaehyun to walk with her. "I just have things to be happy about, okay?"

Jaehyun glanced at her from the corner of his eye and picked up on the way her lips were threatening to form a smile. "Does things go by the name of Yuta?"

Hearing his name made Hyewon's heart flutter, a very foreign feeling to her. Jaehyun seemed to have noticed her flustered state. He gave a quizzical look, one Hyewon couldn't quite decipher. "I'm assuming the date went well then?"

"How do you know about the date?" Her eyebrows slightly furrowed and Jaehyun shrugged his shoulders.

"Sicheng came over last night."

"Oh..." She looked away. It was a simple statement yet she kept thinking there's more to it. "Did you guys study or something?"

Hyewon looked at him, expectantly and Jaehyun seemed to have been thinking. "No, he was upset so we just chilled till he went home."
Once again she couldn't find a better response than a simple 'oh'. "Yeah... We talked about the group. You know with Hyuck and Renjun and now Mark and Aeri. It's been a very messy few days."

"You're right. What happened after you left with Aeri by the way?" Jaehyun became silent and Hyewon stared him down. "Jaehyun, what are you doing?"

"Nothing! I promise I'm not doing anything." His defensive tone made Hyewon raise a brow at him this time. "Trust me, it's not like that."

"Really? Because this wouldn't be the first time."

"I'm happy for them, Hye. Stop bringing up stuff from like three years ago. I may have made some bad choices in the past, but I'm finally moving on. Sora is cool and I really like her."

"I'm sorry, I just don't want you to get hurt again, you know?" Hyewon gave him a sympathetic look.

Jaehyun swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing. "I will admit that it took a while, but I'm finally in a place where I don't get hurt when I see them together."

Hyewon nodded and placed her hand on his shoulder as a gesture of comfort. "Hey, I know you'd rather share these things with Sicheng but I'm your friend too? You can always trust me."

"I appreciate that." Jaehyun chuckled, patting her hand that still rested on his shoulder. "Speaking of Sicheng. Have you been fighting a lot lately?"

Hyewon instantly averted her eyes away from him and went quiet. Jaehyun frowned at her sudden silence. "If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine. Sicheng's just been really down lately."

Her eyes flew to his just as fast as the words left his mouth. "Wait, why? He told you we've been fighting?"

"Uhm..." Jaehyun nervously broke away from her stare. "I was just making assumptions."

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