thirty two

166 11 12

"That's all for today. Please be sure to check your emails for your assignments." Hyewon got up with a sigh as she started packing her books away. She briefly made eye contact with Jaehyun, who she  forgot she shared this class with him. Luckily, he didn't approach her. She hadn't spoken to any of her friends the past few days. She doubted any of them knew what had happened. 

It relieved her that none of them knew though, but it didn't mean she wasn't lonely now and then. Especially when bits of her conversation with Yena from two days ago constantly popped into her head. She had already barely managed to escape thoughts about Sicheng as it was.

She felt Jaehyun's eyes on her again, but pretended to not notice. Maybe he had heard from Sicheng or maybe he just noticed something was off. But she didn't know. She hasn't seen Sicheng since Sunday. So, she took her bag and headed towards the exit. She had managed to slip in and out of her classes so easily that the last thing she expected was to be pulled aside the minute she exited her last class of the day.

Renjun and Haechan stood in front of her now, her eyes wide as she stared at the couple. They didn't even have class on this side which means they most likely came all the way to find her. Well, this should be good.

"Park Hyewon." Haechan started and the girl looked at Renjun, panicked. The Chinese pulled up his shoulders as he had no control over his boyfriend. "Where have you been?"

"I-" Hyewon tried to think of an excuse fast but nothing was coming to her. "I've been busy?"

Haechan didn't buy it obviously. He still wore that hard look but then it suddenly softened. "I heard you and Yuta broke up."

"Oh... I didn't think people would know about that." Hyewon scratched her head out of embarrassment.

"Well, Yuta is obviously really popular so of course people would know." There was a small pause. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She hoped the male wouldn't notice her slightly panicked expression but Renjun apparently did.

"Hye..." He started. "Are you sure? You seem a bit nervous right now. Did something happen?"

Hyewon held her breath. She didn't know why, but she had no idea if she even wanted to talk to them about this. But then again, if she were to share any of her issues with anyone, it would be these two. They never judged her.

"Can we maybe go get hot chocolate or something? It's a really long story."

Haechan smiled. "Of course. Let's go."

Now ten minutes later, they all sat with mugs in front of them. Hyewon stirred her spoon around in the hot beverage. She didn't even want to drink it, truthfully, but it did serve as a great way to put off talking.

Haechan and Renjun sat opposite her, silently watching the girl in worry. "Hye?" Haechan called out to her. "You really don't have to pretend to be okay right now. Break ups are hard, I know-"

"It's not about Yuta." Hyewon finally spoke up. Both Haechan and Renjun's brows shot up in surprise. Hyewon looked up at them, shifting uncomfortably in her seat when she noticed their expectant faces. "I haven't been around much because..."

"Because...?" Haechan urged her on.

She didn't want to say it out loud. It all suddenly felt very embarrassing. "Sicheng... Sicheng and I kissed."

There was no response from either of them at first and it was starting to freak Hyewon out. Loud and outspoken Haechan had nothing to say? Neither did wise and witty Renjun?

After a few moments, it seemed the words had finally registered to them as Haechan turned to Renjun, eyes practically jumping out of its sockets. "I knew it!"

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