twenty one

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Hyewon stared out the window, watching how the rain showered over the world outside. She usually hated the rain but today she appreciated that the weather seemed to at least match her mood.

"Hyewon." She was startled when she suddenly heard her name being called. She met the gaze of Yuta and Johnny, both looking at her with puzzled yet concerned eyes. "Are you okay? You've been spacing out all day."

She smiled small at Yuta. "Yeah, of course. Just in thought that's all." She quickly explained. "So, what were we talking about again?"

Johnny and Yuta glanced at each other before answering her question. "The party on Saturday." Johnny said.

"Oh, right." Hyewon mumbled. "Is it really that big of a deal? Parties aren't usually my vibe." She asked.

At first, Yuta's brows furrowed at her response and he wanted to ask her if she was really okay but Johnny had jumped in first. "Of course it is. It's Yuta's first birthday here. We're going all out."

Yuta couldn't help but notice the doubt in her expression and it worried him. Something was seriously wrong. "Are you sure you're okay, Hye?" Yuta asked once again as his hand went to hold hers under the table.

Hyewon plastered on a wide grin before nodding her head enthusiastically. "Yep, all good. I have to go now though." She gave his a hand a light squeeze and then landed a quick peck on his cheek before getting up. "See you guys later."

Yuta's eyes followed her out of the cafeteria, noticing how her smile disappeared just as fast as she left. "Did I say something wrong?" He asked.

Johnny who had shrugged her behavior off only pulled up his shoulders. "I have no idea what goes on in a girl's head." Yuta sighed at his response. "Maybe she just needs a little space?"

Yuta couldn't understand but nevertheless nodded along. It's only been a month. Is it even normal to be this distant after such a short period? Though he supposed Johnny had a point. So, he'll respect her feelings even if it's his birthday literally the next day.

ˋ° • *⁀➷ˋ° • *⁀➷ˋ° • *⁀➷

Hyewon felt bad that she had acted like that. It wasn't her intention but she was stressed and had no idea what to do. It wasn't even her fault she was in this predicament in the first place. And now she was absolutely clueless, walking on the pavement right in front of the admin building. It's not like she could talk to anyone about it right now since it involved two important people in her life.

At least the rain stopped.

"Whoa, watch out!" A force pulled her aside and her body went flailing into someone's arms. "What the hell, Hyewon?" A familiar voice spoke.

Though to Hyewon nothing was registering as she watched a bicycle pass her at lightning speed and then back at the person who basically prevented her from getting knocked over. She instantly met Mark's round eyes, watching her with concern.

Mark. She sighed in relief. She always had Mark. Until she realized she was supposed to be mad at him. So, she swiftly pulled away from him and straightened up just as she heard him clear his throat. "Sorry, for uh... being so aggressive. You weren't moving out of the way, so..."

Hyewon nodded in his direction but now both of them refused to make eye contact. "Thank you. You spared me a lot of embarrassment. And possible hospital bills."

At this Mark chuckled and Hyewon dared a quick glance at him. A smile fitted Mark way more than a frown. "You're welcome then, Hye. Glad to know I was of help to you."

She shot him a small smile to return his. God, why was it so awkward? She internally yelled as they both fell back into a silence.

"Are... Are you okay? You seemed pretty distracted. Another difficult assignment?" He asked and the hesitancy in his voice was clear as day.

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