twenty nine

177 13 22

Hyewon went straight to Sicheng's house. Her mind hazy and all over the place. Was she overwhelmed and possibly overreacting? Yes. But that didn't stop her from knocking on the front door of Sicheng's home.

She was feeling so frustrated and upset that she didn't think straight. Maybe this was a bad idea? It was her fault, right? Or maybe it wasn't?

Yuqing swung the door open, immediately interrupting Hyewon's thoughts. "Hyewon!" The girl exclaimed. Hyewon plastered on the best smile she could, hopefully her red eyes weren't too noticeable.

"Hi, is your brother home?" Yuqing frowned at Hyewon's peculiar behavior.

"Yes." She answered, letting Hyewon in. The latter mumbled a quick 'thanks' before making it straight to Sicheng's room.

She reached his room rather quickly and burst through the door before knocking. The sudden action startled Sicheng, who was busy on his laptop. "What the hell? Hyewon?"

She didn't answer him which confused him, until he saw her puffy eyes. "What happened?" He asked, immediately going towards her.

He looked so concerned as he stared at her, a hand right under her chin to make sure she can't hide her face. Usually Hyewon liked this. It was nice having someone protective of you, but this time she didn't even enjoy it. She was mad as hell.

"He broke up with me." Was all she said, before turning her head away from his grasp. Sicheng stared at her wide-eyed and confused. He was wondering if he heard her correctly.

"What?" He ended up asking.

Hyewon scoffed. This was unbelievable. "Why didn't you go on your date?" She questioned back, folding her arms in front of her chest.

Sicheng's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Who told you that-"

"Yuta overheard your little blabbermouth friend talk about it!"

"Okay, whoa? Don't speak about her like that. She has nothing to do with this." A tinge of annoyance was in his voice and Hyewon picked it up which infuriated her even more.

"You're always so quick to defend her!" She yelled at him.

"Because she's Yena! She's been nothing but good to me." He yelled back. Hyewon scoffed in response and now Sicheng was getting upset too. "What even is your problem with her? She hasn't done anything to you yet you dislike her for some reason."

"I don't dislike her." This time her voice was more calm.

"Yes, you do and I want to know why." He pressed further, knowing she would give in eventually.

Hyewon released a sharp breath. "That's not the point. The point is Yuta thinks there's something going on between us!"

"Why would he think that?" The Chinese asked in confusion. That was a pretty stupid conclusion to come to. Hyewon only sighed again. "What? So, he just broke up with you without checking the facts?"

Hyewon didn't answer. Her silence was starting to scare him. Was she not telling him something? And if yes, what was she hiding? "Hyewon?" He asked again, cautiously.

"You don't even realize it, do you?" Sicheng's eyebrows furrowed, a look of pure confusion on his face. "You're always in the way!"

"I'm in the way? So, now you're blaming me for your breakup?" Hyewon took her lip in between her teeth. She felt like crying again and she didn't know why. Was it because of the frustration or the unbearable pain in her chest? "You're being unreasonable, don't you think?"

When she faced away from him, he watched her intently. He noticed the way she bit down on her lip to fight back her tears. Did he make her cry? "Hye, I'm sorry things didn't work out. I knew he didn't deserve you."

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