thirty four

186 12 15

"Could you walk any slower, Park?" Sicheng called out to the girl. Hyewon glanced up to him, rolling her eyes.

"Why are you being annoying so early in the morning?" She complained which made Sicheng raise an eyebrow in question.

"It's literally 2 in the afternoon, Hye." He retorted. Hyewon didn't even bother to reply instead untangling their laced fingers and walk right past him and straight to Aeri, who sat at their usual table.

Sicheng smiled foolishly to himself as Hyewon glanced back at him and stuck her tongue out to tease him.

It had been a month of this. Holding hands, playful banter, even some kissing now and then. They decided to just take things slow instead of diving straight into a relationship. But it was going so well that Sicheng sometimes had to pinch himself just to make sure it was real.

"Stop it." A voice rang right next to Sicheng. He looked over to see Jaehyun looking at him with a disgusted look on his face.

"What?" The Chinese laughed.

"You're being all lovey dovey again. I'm going to puke if I see you smile like that again."

"Oh, stop being so dramatic." Sicheng rolled his eyes. He then walked over and quickly glanced to where Hyewon was talking to Aeri, Haechan and Renjun. He saw her laugh at something one of them said and there was that smile right back on his face.

Jaehyun hit his arm, immediately replacing the smile with a scowl. "I said stop it." Jaehyun loathed. "If Yena were here, she'd probably punch you."

Sicheng decided to just ignore his friend's comment instead focusing on rubbing the sore spot on his bicep. "You literally have a girlfriend."

"So? At least I don't traumatize everyone." Jaehyun retorted. "Anyway, have you given it more thought?"

Sicheng shook his head no. "I want to ask her really badly but... I'm scared she's not ready."

Jaehyun looked at him in exasperation. "Dude, she's literally in love with you. In love, Sicheng! Why would she not want to be your girlfriend?"

Sicheng mumbled incoherent words under his breath as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Hyewon snuck a quick glance in his direction and smiled when their eyes met. As soon as she looked away, Sicheng sighed. He really did not want to mess this up.

He didn't even noticed Yena walking over. "What's with the long face, Romeo?" She immediately questioned.

Jaehyun rolled his eyes at Sicheng's silence. "Hyewon."

Yena's eyes widened. "You're fighting already?!" She whisper-yelled at him.

"No?" Sicheng frowned. "I just don't know if she wants to be official yet."

"Don't piss me off, Sicheng." Yena slightly raised her voice which scared both Sicheng and Jaehyun. "Just do it and get it over with or else I'm going to go 5th grader style and send her a note with those tick boxes in them. Though, I'm going to have to give her yes or yes as options."

"Okay, chill." Sicheng called out. "I'm guessing things are still complicated between you and Taeyong."

Yena groaned. "I don't even know if things are still going. I really like him but he's in a tough position with Johnny and I. I don't want to be mad at him but it's so- Urgh!"

"I just wish you'd both just tell Johnny. That way you wouldn't have to sneak around." Jaehyun spoke.

"That is not an option, Mr. Valentine!" She looked almost horrified at the suggestion. "Maybe I don't even like him that much. I could easily find someone else if he's going to continue stressing me out."

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