twenty eight

180 13 9

The weather was perfect for a lazy Sunday. Though it had started getting much colder as they neared winter, the sun still provided some much needed warmth.

This was Hyewon's favourite type of weather. She basked in the low heat of the sun's rays as she walked down the streets of her neighbourhood. She was meeting Yuta. It's been four days since they last saw or spoke to each other. During those days, Hyewon did a lot of thinking. She thought about what she wanted.

While she tried to make logic conclusions, she had basically isolated herself from everyone. No contact with Sicheng, Mark or any of their other friends. She quite enjoyed that time though. It felt like she was truly at peace for the first time in a long time.

After all that thinking, she made her decision. She didn't care about Sicheng's new girlfriend. As much as she was confused by her feelings, she realized that it was just that. Confused feelings. There wasn't possibly any other explanation for her behavior. It was just all very new to her, just as much as it was to him. But she knew that she wanted to be with Yuta. He made her feel good.

That's why she was so happy to receive a message from him asking to meet up. It felt like telepathy that they both thought of the same thing. She assumed that he had calmed down more and she couldn't wait to explain everything to him. She wanted to make things right once and for all.

The park where he asked to meet came in sight. It was the same one he asked her to be his girlfriend. She smiled to herself when she saw him waiting on a bench. He had his back turned to her and she took a moment to just admire him. He really was unreal.

She decided she couldn't wait any longer and started running up to him. He heard her approaching due to the leaves that crunched under her feet with every step she took. He met her eyes, the girl smiling widely at him. He smiled back, but it wasn't nearly as bright as hers.

"Hi," She said as she took a seat right next to him.

"Hey..." Yuta greeted back. He was acting strange, Hyewon thought. He's probably just tired.

"I have something to tell you." She cut straight to the chase.

Yuta had been watching her the whole time. She felt kind of nervous under his gaze now. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you too." He said.

Hyewon's brows shot up in surprise. "Oh?" She muttered. "Well, could I go first then? It's really urgent."


"No, no, please hear me out." She pleaded and it took one look into her brown eyes for him to sigh and allow her to speak. "I'm sorry," She started which surprised Yuta as he immediately shot his head up to meet her eyes. "I know I've been lacking. Trust me, I do. I know I said I wanted to be better the other night but I really hope you know that I mean it."

Yuta placed his hand over hers to try to stop her but Hyewon shook her head before continuing. "I know you have your doubts about how committed I am to this relationship but I can 100% tell you today that I am willing to put all my efforts into making us work. I know there's been a whole lot of things going on. And Sicheng making everything difficult as well and I really, really want to apologize if I ever made you feel like I choose him over you, but I need you to understand that it's a hard habit to learn off."


"But as much as I love him and our friendship, I also know I want us to work. I will set more boundaries between him and I, if that's what you want."

Yuta sighed as he removed his hand from hers and instead brushing it through his ginger hair. "You know that won't work." Hyewon halted at his words. "You can set as many boundaries as you want, we both know you'll always overstep them for him."

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