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Loud music boomed and a sea of bodies moved together at the rhythm of it. Sicheng instantly regretted coming the moment he set foot through the door.

He scanned his eyes over the area. Not a single familiar face in sight. He sighed in disappointment, heading straight for the kitchen. Or at least where he remembered the kitchen to be.

Usually he wouldn't come to events like this alone. He'd always have someone by his side, that person being one of his friends of course. But since Hyewon was going with Yuta, Mark and Aeri obviously going together and Jaehyun planning on spending all his time with Sora, Sicheng was all alone. He didn't even want to know what Renjun and Haechan were doing that very moment.

He took one look at the variety of beverages on the counter and instantly walked towards the refrigerator. Reaching for a bottle of water, he immediately took a sip.

"Water? Boo, that's so boring." a voice rang, catching the boy's attention.

Right next to him stood a girl. He was definitely not familiar with her, but she was no doubt pretty. She stared at him, awaiting his response. "Oh... I don't drink." he quickly said.

"Where's the fun in that?" The girl asked, a hint of playfulness in her voice.

Sicheng chuckled, closing the fridge door. He then turned to lean against it as he faced her. "Well, someone has to be the designated driver." he retorted.

This made the girl let out a chuckle of her own. "Right..." she said, looking around the room. "I don't see anyone though... so, who could you possibly be babysitting?"

"You'd be surprised the type of people I'm friends with it." he replied, causing the girl to laugh.

"You're interesting." she said, eyeing Sicheng up and down. The girl then hopped ontop of the counter, legs crossed. "Tell me more about these friends then."

Sicheng's smile broadened, running his hand through his dark hair. "Where do I even begin..."

ˋ° • *⁀➷ˋ° • *⁀➷ˋ° • *⁀➷

Hyewon stepped away from the dance floor for a minute. It got a bit suffocating in there, especially after dancing for a while now. Aeri emerged from the crowd as well, walking straight towards Hyewon. "This is so much fun!" the shorter exclaimed.

Hyewon laughed at the girl, agreeing with her statement. "Where's Mark? It's weird not seeing you together."

"I'm not his babysitter. And he's not always with me, Hye. We're our own people." Aeri laughed.

"Hey, it was just a question." Hyewon replied, holding her hands up in defense. "Want to go get some drinks?"

Aeri nodded, following after Hyewon. The two girls continued conversing on their way. When they entered the kitchen they were met with two figures laughing. One a stranger and the other they knew all too well.

"You're playing. There's no way that's true." the unfamiliar girl said.

Sicheng laughed, leaning on the counter right next to her. "No, I'm serious. I've never seen him that scared. He probably jumped like 2 metres high and went tumbling right to the floor."

The girl laughed even harder, her hand hitting slightly hitting Sicheng's shoulder. The latter diverted his eyes from the girl momentarily just to be met with Hyewon and Aeri at the entrance of the kitchen. He instantly smiled when he saw them."Hey, guys!"

The girl sat next to him, turned around and met the eyes of Hyewon. The latter awkwardly smiled at the girl, before looking down at the floor. Aeri watched the exchange, before looking at Sicheng. "You two seem like good friends." she commented, walking past them to reach the fridge.

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