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It was 9:39 on a Thursday night. Hyewon was up doing her sketches for her design class. She groaned and erased her sketch for the tenth time. She was slowly growing frustrated with herself. Tearing the paper out, she threw it straight into the bin right next to her desk.

Her phone went off signaling that she received a new message. Hyewon ignored it and instead started another sketch. It wasn't even two minutes later when she heard noises from her window. She thought it had began raining and looked out. There wasn't a raindrop in sight which confused her. Then she heard the noise again and went to go check.

She slid the window open just to be immediately hit with something. "Ouch." She let out, rubbing her shoulder where the pebble had striked her.
Looking down to try and find the culprit, she was surprised to find Yuta standing right under her window.
"Are you trying to kill me?" She questioned.

The Japanese boy sheepishly grinned and lowered his hands from throwing another stone. "Sorry, did I hit you?"

Hyewon picked up the pebble and showed it to him. "What do you think?"

"Then I'm really sorry." He answered, letting a little laugh out. Hyewon couldn't resist his smile so she had no choice but to forgive him. "Could you come down? Bring a jacket, too."

Hyewon raised a brow at his request, unsure about it but it took one look at her sketchbook to convince her that she definitely needs to get out of her room. She hastily grabbed a hoodie which she was pretty sure was Sicheng's, ran a brush through her hair and slipped on her shoes before jogging downstairs.

Jisung, who was sitting in front of the TV, gave her a weird look. She shrugged him off and left the house. Yuta was standing on the porch awaiting her arrival. When he noticed her presence, his smile widened. "Hey."

"Good evening, Mr Nakamoto. What brings you here?" Hyewon curiously enquired.

"Can we take a walk?" He beamed at her and Hyewon knew she couldn't say no.

"Sure." She replied before opening the door and telling Jisung that she'll be back soon. "Where are we going?"

"Hmm, I actually don't know. I just wanted to see you."

Hyewon laughed as she pulled the hood over her head. "You saw me yesterday."

"And? That was so long ago." Yuta complained and swiftly took her hand into his. Hyewon shifted her eyes from their joined hands to Yuta's eyes. They were practically sparkling under the streetlights. "Let's go to the park?"

Hyewon nodded her head before adjusting her hand so that her fingers could lace with Yuta's. He looked partially taken aback and Hyewon smiled at him then pulled him along with her.

The walk to the park was short and quiet, but not in an awkward way. In fact, Hyewon was more than satisfied with how things were at that very moment.
Yuta mindlessly followed her, his eyes stuck on her.

Once they arrived, she detached their hands and sprinted for one of the swings. Yuta chortled at her childlike behavior. Hyewon immediately called him over, patting the swing next to hers.

"I'm assuming you really like swings." Yuta commented, his eyes trailing Hyewon kicking her feet to move the swing.

"I used to come here a lot with Sicheng. The swings were my favourite, but he used to try and push me off them all the time. So annoying." Hyewon rolled her eyes at the memory. Yuta smiled small when their eyes met and Hyewon started laughing. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine." Yuta assured her. "I did want to apologize if my sudden arrival interrupted anything you were busy with." He changed the subject.

"Oh, no. I was just questioning my life choices while trying to do a rough sketch for one of my design classes." She explained, waving her hand around dismissively.

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