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Yuta was even more perfect than she could have ever imagined. He did all the right things, every single thing that usually made the girls swoon in movies and books and Hyewon was no exception.

The two of them were riding on Yuta's motorcycle, on their way back from the café. Hyewon lifted her head from his back, looking up at Yuta's face. The boy slightly tilted his head to briefly meet her gaze before focusing on the road again. Hyewon didn't miss the smile on his face, causing a smile of her own to form.

She tightened her grip around his waist, resting her chin on Yuta's shoulder. She closed her eyes as the wind blew through her hair. She's only ever been on a motorcycle once before and that was when Sicheng decided to steal his cousin, Dejun's motorcycle in junior year of high school.

The boy climbed up her window at 10pm, nearly giving her a heart attack when he knocked on her window. She remembered how excited he was to show her the motorcycle, though he was definitely never one for being rebellious.

They went around town and that's how they found their special spot up on one of the hills outside their town. They talked for hours until he dropped her back home well past midnight. Her parents were furious, but Hyewon didn't care. She was happy then.

That was one of her favourite memories with Sicheng.

She noticed that they were slowing down and when Yuta came to a stop, she hopped off. "What are you thinking about?" Yuta asked when he noticed the faint smile on Hyewon's face.

"Oh, this just brought back a random time Sicheng almost killed us both riding one of these." Hyewon snickered, patting the motorcycle's seat.

"Sicheng? Oh, that friend of yours, right?" Yuta questioned, ushering her to walk with him.

Hyewon nodded her head as she followed Yuta's gesture. "Best friend, actually. We've known each other since we were five." Hyewon explained.

Yuta hummed, "So, you aren't exes or something?"

"We've never dated." Hyewon waved her hands in front of her to deny his question. Yuta chuckled at how cute she looked when she got nervous.

"That's good to know then." he replied, before he walked up some steps. For the first time Hyewon noticed that they had actually stopped at a house. A big house, at that.

She watched as Yuta fished out his keys and unlocked the door. His hand was on the doorknob, but he didn't twist it yet. He turned back to her, worry evident on his face.

"Uhm, I live here with some other guys... They're cool, just don't mind whatever nonsense they might tell you." Hyewon nodded her head in understanding as Yuta finally opened the door.

He walked in first, checking the house before opening the door wider for Hyewon to enter as well. The girl smiled at him, before looking around the house.

It was very obvious that men lived here. It wasn't necessarily messy, but it wasn't squeaky clean either. The bottom floor seemed to be open floor. The kitchen could be seen from where she stood. There was a staircase leading upstairs to where their rooms were, she guessed.

"Would you like something to drink?" Yuta asked, pointing in the direction of the kitchen. He opened the fridge, taking a look inside. "We have beer... A lot of beer. Seriously, is that all these people ever drink?" It seemed Yuta was talking to himself and Hyewon couldn't help but giggle.

Yuta immediately placed his attention back on the girl, closing the fridge door. "I found this." he held up a can of Sprite and handed it to Hyewon.

She thanked him and immediately opened the can. Just then two boys came into the house, talking loudly between each other.

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