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< 18 Months Later >

Hyewon watched Aeri pace up and down the room. Aeri was currently panicking about, well, everything. Personally, Hyewon didn't quite understand why Aeri was so stressed. But that's probably because she was a perfectionist unlike herself.

"Aeri," Hyewon called to her, but didn't catch her attention. "Aeri, look at me." Hyewon took hold of both the girl's arms. "Breathe." She demonstrated for Aeri to follow her breathing techniques which she thankfully did.

"Okay, I think I'm calm now." Aeri spoke, but her voice was barely audible.

"Are you sure? You look like you're about to cry." Hyewon asked carefully. Aeri nodded. "Okay, take a seat then. I'm going to get you some water."

As Hyewon tipped the jug to get some water for her friend, a knock sounded from the door. Aeri motioned for Hyewon to go check which she obliged.

"Oh, Mark." Aeri perked up at the name. "What are you doing here?"

"Ae texted me. She sounded super freaked out." Mark explained frantically, trying to peek into the room but Hyewon stopped him.

"She's not dressed yet." Hyewon scolded and immediately pushed him out and closed the door behind her. "Look, I know you're worried but I promise you, she's fine now."

"Okay." Mark spoke calmly, patting down his suit jacket. Just then Aeri's mother came rushing down the hallway. "Mrs. Moon, hi."

"Hi, Markie. Hyewon, sweetheart, is Aeri in here?" The older woman asked.

"Yes, Mrs. Moon. I hope you can keep her calm."

"Oh, don't worry about it. Her dress is right here," She waved around the covered material. "I'm sure she'll calm down now."

Hyewon nodded politely and then the woman disappeared through the doors. She turned back to Mark, who now was no longer happy with her. "What?"

"You said she was fine!" Mark exclaimed.

"But she is!" Hyewon retorted. "At least now she'll be even better." Hyewon waved her hands around frantically.

Mark scowled at the girl but Hyewon only rolled her eyes. "I won't let anything happen to her. You get overly protective of her, damn."

"I'm sorry," Mark sighed. "But what if she decides she doesn't want to do this any more and leave me?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Mark. She would've never said yes if she didn't want to marry you."

"Yeah but what if she's not ready yet. I mean we only just graduated, I don't want to force her into anything-"

Hyewon rolled her eyes. "Mark, listen to me. That girl has been ready to marry you like three years ago. I promise you, her pulling out last minute is the least of your worries right now." She placed both her hands on his shoulders as she stared pointedly at Mark.

The latter nodded. "Okay. But-"

"No, buts, maple syrup boy." Mark snorted at the nickname which made Hyewon smile. Mission accomplished.

"God, if y'all are already acting like this for the engagement party, I do not want to know what the actual wedding will be like." Hyewon sighed.

Mark chuckled. "Sorry, Hye. I know you've been running around between the two of us." He rubbed his neck in embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it. I love you guys. Now shoo, I have a distressed bride to take care of." Hyewon started steering Mark away from Aeri's room and the male obviously tried to protest but Hyewon argued right back.

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