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"Thanks," Sicheng said, taking the two plastic cups from the counter. He handed one to Yena and the girl thanked him.

"Okay, so tell me exactly what happened." the girl said, taking a sip of her drink. The two had surprisingly grown closer in the past week that they have known each other. Since Hyewon was always busy with her love life nowadays, Yena was the perfect substitute for his best friend.

In a weird way, the girl was quite comforting and he just felt comfortable around her, something he had a hard time finding in other girls.

"I'm not sure if I'm allowed to share this, but basically, Renjun messed up real bad... and Haechan broke up with him after Renjun told him. And... I really don't know what's going on anymore." Sicheng sighed. Yena listened to every word intently, noticing how worried the boy sounded.

"I'm sure whatever it is, they'll sort it out... Maybe you just shouldn't worry too much about them." the girl advised, offering Sicheng a smile.

She looked so cute and squishy from Sicheng's point of view, he had no choice but to reciprocate the smile. "There we go!" Yena exclaimed, happily sipping on her coffee drink.

Sicheng chuckled at the girl as the two continued walking side by side.

"By the way, that Taeyong guy from the party..." Yena glanced at the boy, waiting for him to continue. "You haven't spoken since then?"

"No, we haven't." she said, a light chuckle falling from her lips. "I told you, I'm not interested in anything right now. Plus, I think he was just playing around anyway." she concluded, waving Sicheng off.

The Chinese gave the girl a pointed look, making her roll her eyes and huff. "You should be worrying about your bestie and her new boyfriend, instead you're all up in my nonexistent love life."

"I don't care about Hyewon and Yuta." Sicheng protested, but that only made Yena snort. "What?" he asked, his voice coming out as whiney.

"Nothing." Yena threw her hands up in surrender.

"Oh, please. Just say what you want to, weirdo." Sicheng retorted, not falling for her antics.

Yena laughed, pushing the lose strands from her bun out of her face. "I just wish you could see what I see."

"Meaning?" Sicheng asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Don't worry, you'll realize sooner or later." Yena shrugged.

Sicheng looked over at the girl, wondering what was going on in that wild imagination of hers.

"Is that not Hyewon?" Yena suddenly asked, immediately making Sicheng look in the same direction as the shorter girl.

He instantly recognized Hyewon. He could never forget her figure, not when he's known her for so long. She was crossing the road, walking to their side. Yena called out to the girl and she flinched upon hearing her own name.

Hyewon looked a bit confused at first, but when she saw Sicheng she immediately walked towards the two. "What a coincidence running into you here."

"Quite the coincidence indeed." Yena said, smiling at the other.

"No Yuta today?" Sicheng asked. Hyewon shook her head, the girl failing to hide the disappointment on her face.

Just then Yena's phone chimed. the latter pulled out the device, checking it. "Oh, it's my brother. He needs my help at his house." she said, taking one last sip of her drink before discarding the cup in a nearby trashcan. "I'll catch you another time, Winwin. Bye, Hyewon!" she took off and disappeared around a corner.

"Winwin?" Hyewon asked, visibly confused by the new name.

"It's just a nickname Yena gave me. I don't really get it, but since Yena likes it, I guess I'm just going with it. " he explained as Hyewon slowly nodded her head.

"You seem like good friends already..." Hyewon added, referring to Yena and Sicheng.

The Chinese hummed, smiling as he thought about his cute friend. "She's been keeping me company since someone has no time for me these days." Sicheng teased, playfully nudging the girl's arm.

She rolled her eyes, giving him a light shove. "Don't be dramatic. I would always make time for you."

"Yet I always seem to be second choice these days." Sicheng answered, trying to come off as joking but Hyewon noticed the slight bite in his words.

"That's not true."

"Maybe, maybe not. I don't question anything you do. You're a big girl, afterall." Sicheng replied, already annoyed at the topic at hand.

"How about we don't fight today? I'm too tired to do this right now." Hyewon sighed, briefly glancing at Sicheng.

Sicheng shrugged as Hyewon eyed him from the side. "Just to be sure..." the girl started off, Sicheng turned to her, expectantly. "Yena?"

"What about her?" Sicheng asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Did she really say she isn't looking for anything right now? Like... she's not interested in having a relationship with you?" Hyewon carefully voiced, cringing at how weirdly her voice came out.

The boy laughed at Hyewon's awkwardness, "Uh... yeah?"

"Oh...Okay, good." the girl said, a faint smile on her face.

"That's such a weird thing to ask." Sicheng laughed, gently pushing Hyewon's head to the side.

The girl scoffed, swatting his hand away. "Why?"

Sicheng shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. "Even if she was interested in me, I don't see why it matters to you anyway. You have Yuta."

"Yeah..." Hyewon trailed off, uncertainty lying heavily on her chest.

- Ahn Yena -

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- Ahn Yena -

- Ahn Yena -

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