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The shrill noise of an alarm went off. Hyewon let out a yelp when she almost fell face down from her bed. "Shut up!" the girl yelled, throwing a pillow at nothing in particular.

She patted her bedside table, searching for her phone. Finally grabbing the device, she immediately disabled the alarm. She let out a heavy sigh, rubbing her eyes as she sat up straight. She stared at the screen of her phone, eyes widening as she realized it was 9 am on a Sunday.

The girl sat in absolute silence, thinking of why she would have an alarm set. Just then realization hit her: she was meeting up with Yuta today. Labeling it a date just seemed a bit extreme for Hyewon, but it still didn't change the fact that she looked forward to it.

Jumping out of bed, the girl headed straight out of her bedroom. Downstairs she was greeted with her mother, peacefully sipping on a cup of coffee. The older woman looked more than surprised to see her daughter up this early.

"Good morning," Hyewon greeted, yawning.

"Morning, sweetheart. You're awake quite early." her mother spoke, focusing on her newspaper again.

Hyewon simply shrugged, opening the fridge in search of something to eat. About to grab the yogurt, the doorbell rang. Mrs Park stood up from her chair and went to open the door.

The younger girl took a seat opposite her mother's, about to eat the yogurt when her mother returned, chirping away with Sicheng. Hyewon was surprised to see the male, but still rolled her eyes at how close her mother and best friend is.

"Look who came to visit, honey!" the older woman exclaimed.

"Hm, it's Sicheng. Yay." Hyewon mumbled, voice void of enthusiasm.

Mrs Park then quickly excused herself, taking her coffee upstairs. "I brought hot chocolate. Figured you might need it." Sicheng started the conversation.

"Thanks," the girl spoke, taking the paper cup from him.

Silence immediately filled the room, the two best friends unsure of how to continue the conversation. This never happened to them, even when they were mad at each other, they've never been this awkward around one another.

Sicheng cleared his throat, looking over at Hyewon. "I'm surprised you were already awake when I came over. Usually you'd still be sleeping this time."

"And then you'd barge into my room and scold me about  sleeping my life away." Hyewon chuckled.

"That's because you are! No normal person sleeps as much as you do." Sicheng defended, a laugh escaping his lips as he spoke.

"I need that beauty sleep. Do you really think all of this just happens?" Hyewon asked, pointing at herself.

Sicheng chuckled, watching as she took another sip of her drink. "No, you don't. You're already gorgeous."

Something about his words caused a fluttering feeling to erupt in her stomach. She stared back at him, seeing how he smiled at her. It was much different from how he usually smiled at her.

"Is flirting a new habit now?" she asked, trying to play off the subject.

Sicheng simply laughed, leaning on his forearms. "Maybe... That's why I'm practicing it on you."

"Ahh, so that you don't embarrass yourself in front of that pretty girl from last night." Hyewon stated, slowly nodding her head.

"You mean Yena?" Sicheng enquired, which Hyewon only hummed in response. "Oh, I'm not- We're not like- We are just friends."

Hyewon giggled at his rambling– she always found it cute when he got nervous. "You don't owe me any sort of explanation. If you like her, then go for it. Maybe we could even go on double dates together." the girl teased, wiggling her eyebrows.

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