thirty three

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She wanted to tell him the moment she realized it but it was much harder than she thought. She kept trying to think of ways to tell him. Surely she can't just approach him and just say how she feels. Too much time had passed. She allowed it to and now everything was messed up. Sicheng probably hated her.

Soon, it was the next week. Officially a week, almost two since they stopped talking. Hyewon was for some reason still avoiding their table. As much as she wanted to clear the air between them, she just didn't know what to say to him. It was just such a new feeling.

Miraculously, the opportunity arose when Yuqing called Hyewon on Thursday. The 12 year old needed Hyewon's help to get ready for a birthday party she was attending the next day. According to Yuqing, her mom was too "old school" to help her. Hyewon chuckled at the younger's words.

Now, it was Friday. Hyewon was stood outside the Dong's house. Her fist hovered above the wood of the door. She knew he was home and it unnerved her that this would be the first time they saw each other after all that's happened.

Hyewon took deep, slow breaths. Finally, she knocked on the door. It took a few seconds before the door swung open, revealing Sicheng. Her breath caught up in her throat at the sight of him. He stared at her blankly, like she was of no importance to him. She would've believed it if she didn't see him slightly clench his jaw. "Hi... Uhm, Yuqing asked me to help her. So..."

A few more seconds went by where they only stared at each other. Sicheng looked away first, nodding his head slightly as he let her in. As soon as Hyewon stepped inside, there was a loud clap of thunder outside. Hyewon jumped at the suddenness of it. Immediately, Sicheng's arms reached out to steady her. "Oh, thanks." She said as he let go of her.

Again, he only nodded. "She's upstairs." He said, jutting his head towards the staircase. The awkwardness between them was unbearable at this point, so Hyewon didn't even hesitate to run right up to where Yuqing was waiting for her.

She spent probably an hour going through outfits and ways to style the girl's hair. Once, the final result was done, Hyewon couldn't help but stare at the girl lovingly. The girl in front of her was no longer the little girl Hyewon would always play with, but now Yuqing was only a few months shy from becoming a teenager.

"There you go, beautiful." Hyewon said, patting the girl's head.

Yuqing jumped up and hugged Hyewon almost immediately. "Thank you, Hyewon." The girl muttered into Hyewon's sweater.

"You're welcome, Angel." The older laughed. Once, they pulled away, Hyewon lowered herself as she held the girl by arms length. "Have fun tonight, okay? And remember, you have to tell me everything tomorrow." Yuqing nodded her head in compliance. "Promise?" Hyewon held out her pinky.

"Promise!" Yuqing giggled as she looped their pinkies.

"Good girl."Hyewon grinned at the younger.

When they turned to head downstairs, Hyewon was surprised to find Sicheng standing at the door. He released a dry cough before diverting his eyes to Yuqing. "Ma says you're going to be late if you don't hurry up."

The young girl nodded before greeting Hyewon and skipping downstairs. Now it was only the two of them in Yuqing's room. Hyewon started rubbing her hands together, anxiously. "Thanks for coming over. You did a good job with her." Sicheng started off slowly.

Hyewon laughed, sheepishly. "Ah, no need to thank me. I love the kid."

Sicheng nodded again. "She loves you too." Hyewon avoided his eyes now. Instead, she busied herself with collecting her phone and purse she brought with her. When she turned back to him, she found his eyes stuck on her.

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