thirty one

161 12 4

It had taken a few days, but Hyewon was finally done crying and felt ready to return to her friends. At least she thought so, but once she caught sight of their familiar figures, she stopped in her tracks. They hadn't noticed her yet and she was grateful as she just couldn't will herself to go over.

What had Sicheng told them? What if they decided they no longer wanted to be friends with her? She clearly knew that this was only her mind overthinking, but even then she felt too burdened to prove her thoughts wrong.

She decided to flee again before anyone could see her standing close by. It was probably for the best. Sicheng would show up any moment anyway.

Her mind then flooded with the images of what had happened mere days ago. Sicheng kissing her. Her kissing him back. Her cheeks burned as she relived the moment. It was a stupid thing to do, but she couldn't get it out of her head. Strangely, it felt like she was doing the right thing. It felt like the right thing.

But then his words replayed in her head. Echoing over and over.

"I love you."

She gulped. She knew it wasn't like the normal, playful ones they'd always exchanged. This one felt different. More sincere.

What was she supposed to do now? She was sure she had lost her best friend, all because she didn't reciprocate his feelings. She didn't think she did, anyway.

As she continued her way to class, in a world of her own, she imagined her name being called. It was faint and sounded far away but then she heard it again. This time it was clearer and closer. She whirled around to see where it came from. It definitely wasn't her imagination.

"Hyewon!" The latter watched the black haired girl run up to her. "Wow, you're fast." Yena breathed out, then quickly smiled at the other. "Hi, you're a really hard person to find."

Hyewon stared at her at first, confused. "Uhm..." She started. "Hi to you too?" She didn't mean to come off as rude but once the words slipped from her tongue she could hear the off tone in her voice.

Yena didn't seem to mind it, judging by the smile that stayed painted on her lips. "Do you have a minute?" She asked.

"Why?" Hyewon asked immediately. It was strange. Yena wasn't exactly her friend.

"Aren't we friends?" Yena questioned and Hyewon slightly flinched. Could Yena read minds?

The girl tilted her head still awaiting Hyewon's response and the latter figured Yena wouldn't leave until she gave in. "I have about half an hour until my 10AM class..."

"Great! That's more than enough time!" Yena took her wrist and started dragging Hyewon with her.

Yena was actually shorter than Hyewon but she sure did have strength in those arms of hers. She didn't speak a word though, even when Yena's grip was cutting off all circulation to her hand. She knew Yena was a scary girl when you disobeyed her.

They surprisingly walked in the opposite direction of their friends which Hyewon was thankful for. She couldn't deal with Yena and them all at once.

Yena had dragged Hyewon all the way to the study center which was unsurprisingly almost empty. "Uhm..." Hyewon started but Yena took a deep breath that made Hyewon clamp her mouth shut.

"Sorry if this is uncomfortable for you... I just needed to talk to you." Yena's voice was soft; sincere.

"Oh." That was all Hyewon could get out. Why was it suddenly really awkward? Hyewon glanced around the almost empty space. "Well, uhm, go ahead. I guess..."

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