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That's his name, Hyewon later learned. He transferred from Japan which came as a surprise to the girl. What also surprised her was when he walked into her first lecture, apologizing for being late. The lecturer assured him that it was fine. Even she was enchanted by his beauty. 

Yuta's eyes searched around the room for an empty seat, she assumed, until it landed on hers. Hyewon's eyes widened momentarily and Mark, who was sat beside her, lightly nudged her. She swatted his arm away, looking beside her. She forgot that Sicheng left the room a few minutes earlier. "Shit," she muttered under her breath when Yuta started making his way towards her. 

"Mind if I sit here?" Hyewon's head shot up to see Yuta beaming down at her. She looked towards Mark, who seemed to be just as conflicted as her. The new guy wants to sit next to her. She wouldn't have minded it, but that's Sicheng's seat and both Mark and Hyewon knew the Chinese would definitely mind. 

Realising she was spacing out and was yet to answer, Yuta had taken the initiative to take the seat. He noticed Sicheng's book bag on the floor and looked towards Hyewon. "Is someone already sitting here?" Yuta asked, eyebrows furrowed.


"Yes, this seat is taken. By me." a voice suddenly spoke, interrupting Hyewon. The three students looked to the side to find Sicheng, arms crossed and an unimpressed look on his face. 

Yuta however didn't pick up on Sicheng's sour mood and flashed him a smile. "Hey, sorry, man. I hope you don't mind. I kind of needed a seat." he explained.

Sicheng looked around the rest of the room, seeing multiple other empty seats. "And you couldn't have taken any other one?"

"As I said, I needed a seat and this was the first one I happened to see." Yuta calmly said, once again offering Sicheng a smile, but the latter had a complete opposite expression. 

He was about to speak up again when the lecturer's voice reminded them of where they were. "Dong Sicheng, why are you interrupting my lecture? Is there a problem?" the older woman questioned.

Defeated, Sicheng simply shook his head before leaning down to get his bag. His eyes met Hyewon's and the girl mouthed a quick 'sorry'. Sicheng scoffed and walked to another seat further to the back of the room. 

The girl plopped back in her seat, sliding down the backrest, feeling like she just betrayed her best friend. Mark softly patted her head, before diverting his attention back to the lesson. 

ˋ° • *⁀➷ˋ° • *⁀➷ˋ° • *⁀➷

After the lecture had finished, Sicheng stormed out of the room. Hyewon quickly followed the male, barely keeping up with his long strides. "Sicheng! Slow down, geez." she huffed, trying her best to reach the boy.

She stretched her arm out, managing to grab his arm and pull him to a stop. Holding onto his arm to assure he won't move, the girl bent over to try and catch her breath again. Sicheng watched her closely, waiting for her to speak. 

After about five seconds, she finally looked up and met Sicheng's impatient eyes. "Why are you mad?" she breathlessly asked.

"I can't believe you allowed him to just take my seat." Sicheng said, trying his best to not snap at Hyewon.

Hyewon furrowed her eyebrows, confusion evident on her face. "It's just a seat, though? Why are you getting so mad about it?"

"It's not just a seat!" Sicheng had lost his cool for a second, quickly lowering his tone. "I just don't understand why you let him sit there, when you know I was coming back."

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