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That morning when Haechan woke up, he never thought his day would turn out like this. But now he was here; leading his ex-boyfriend away from their friends to talk.

Haechan quietly walked ahead and occasionally glanced back to see if Renjun was even still following him. Thankfully, the Chinese hasn't disappeared like Haechan feared he might have.

In all honesty, he didn't know why he just suddenly initiated the conversation but as he arrived with Mark and caught sight of Renjun and once again being reminded of their broken relationship, he couldn't take it anymore.

"Where are we going?" Renjun finally asked as they walked further and further away.

Haechan, however, didn't immediately answer, instead kept going until they reached the gardens. He walked right towards a secluded bench under one of the trees. He tapped the seat beside him. "Sit." He spoke, though it was more gentle than demanding.

At first, Renjun hesitated as he stared at the vacant spot. Eventually, he complied and the two now sat next to each other, a small space preventing their shoulders from brushing against each others.

There was a long silence between them and it unnerved Haechan and judging by the way Renjun's leg bounced around, he felt the same. Why'd he decide to do this again? Oh, right. He then inhaled a deep breath of air before turning to Renjun.


They both froze at the same time, cutting themselves off. Eyes widened, they both blushed before they burst out laughing.

"Sorry, go ahead." Renjun said, gesturing for the other to continue what he wanted to say.

"I actually don't know what I want to say right now." Once Haechan caught sight of Renjun's perplexed expression, he immediately added, "Not that there's nothing to say. I just think there's so much I want to tell you but I just don't know how to even go about it."

Haechan was scared at first of what the blonde's reaction would be but then Renjun started laughing and it was the last thing he ever expected his reaction to be. "What?" He asked, sounding breathless.

"I think it's so funny how we're practically strangers now. We used to be together every day and even when we weren't, you never failed to let me know every single detail about your day. Now, look at us." Renjun's voice was steady but somewhere in his statement, if you listened close enough, you can hear the bitterness and, most importantly, the remorse.

For some reason his words rendered Haechan speechless. It was true and Haechan couldn't deny how much their break up took from each other. But as he sat there, watching Renjun intently, he couldn't stop thinking about how much he loved the other even though he wanted to hate him so badly.

So, he couldn't help when the next few words fell from his lips. He did deserve answers at least. "Why'd you do it?"

Momentary silence fell upon Renjun and Haechan swore he could see the way the other flinched at the question. He could do nothing but ready his heart for what's coming next.

"Hyuck..." The Chinese started slowly. His eyes were yet to meet Haechan's round ones. "I don't know how to answer that. I'm sorry."

"You can't tell me why you cheated on me?" Haechan almost sounded accusatory and it made Renjun visibly tense. Upon noticing, he quickly took deep breaths to calm down. They weren't there to argue. Perhaps that's what caused them to end up like this in the first place. "Sorry. I won't get mad if you'd just be honest with me. Was it my fault?"

"What? What, no, Hyuck. It was never your fault. Why would you even think that?" Renjun eyes displayed so much fear and bewilderment that in any other case it would've made Haechan laugh at how animated he looks right at that moment.

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