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After finishing her last lecture of the day, Hyewon decided to head home. Thankfully, she didn't have to share her classes with Sicheng that day. Jaehyun, however, made sure to ask her if she was okay the remainder of the day. Though Hyewon appreciated the concern, she really didn't want to be reminded of her embarrassing behavior.

She walked into her bedroom and immediately fell face first into the bed. The house was dead silent since her parents were working and Jisung was busy with extracurriculars. This gave her time to reflect upon herself.

What the hell has been going on with her? Why did it suddenly matter to her what Sicheng did? In fact, should she not be focusing on building her relationship with Yuta?

The doorbell suddenly rang through the house. Hyewon groaned and went downstairs. Passing the living room, she saw a familiar car parked outside. Hyewon then reluctantly went to answer the door.

"Good afternoon. My parents aren't home at the moment and I was told not to talk to strangers. So, it would be best you return once they come back from work."

There was a short silence, Hyewon putting on her best customer service smile. "You're joking, right?" Sicheng questioned her with a stoic expression.

Hyewon shrugged and opened the door for him to enter. Sicheng stepped in and stood in the lobby as she closed the door behind him. "Did you need something?"

"Damn, so I can't even come check up on my best friend of more than a decade?" Hyewon rolled her eyes at Sicheng's dramatic attempt of feigning hurt.

"Fine, you're right. Want anything to drink? Actually why do I even still ask you? You practically live here when you're not home."

Sicheng smugly smiled at the slight annoyance in her voice. "Well, that's because I can't resist Mama Park's cooking and she's definitely better company than you."

"I'm telling your mom that! And you're free to leave if you find my company so unbearable." For a brief moment Hyewon was starting to get angry, but then Sicheng started laughing. "What?"

"I missed this. You know, just annoying each other and waiting to see who snaps first. Clearly, I've won this round." Sicheng teased.

"You may have won this battle, but I will win the war, Dong Sicheng."

"Is that a challenge, Park?" Sicheng raised a brow in amusement.

Hyewon scoffed before crossing her eyes and glaring at the boy. "I don't know, you tell me."

"Hm, how about I ask you to come with me instead?" Sicheng lifted his car keys before tilting his head in the direction of the door.

"Where are we going?" Her tough demeanor immediately faltered. Sicheng gave her a sly smile but remained quiet. "It's a Monday, though. Can't it wait?"

"We're not 12, Hye. We can do whatever we want. Now, are you coming with me or should I just leave?" Hyewon looked at him with doubtful eyes but ultimately slipped off the couch and fetched her bag and shoes.

"This better be worth it. It literally looks like it's going to rain soon." Hyewon said as she put on the seatbelt.

"We'll be fine." Sicheng reassured her.

Hyewon didn't answer and Sicheng started driving. The drive was long, but Hyewon knew the road all too well. A smile automatically graced her lips as she looked over to Sicheng. His eyes were focused on the road, but Hyewon caught a glimpse of his own smile. She leaned back into the seat and waited for the car to stop.

Eventually they arrived. Hyewon took a look around. A rush of serotonin coursed through her body at the sight of her favourite place to be. She practically jump out of the car and Sicheng followed. She looked over at him and grinned widely.

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