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"Okay, listen up. We have very important business to discuss here and yes, it's going to be all about me. So, you're not allowed to complain. You have to been warned."

All three students stared at Haechan from where they were sat across from him. They were in a diner somewhere in town, another one of their hangouts, squished into one of the booths.

"What's this about, Hyuck?" Aeri was the first to ask.

"Renjun and I." Soft oh's came from the older friends and Haechan sighed. "Yes, exactly. I need some advice."

"And why exactly did you ask... us?" Jaehyun spoke. "I mean, out of all three of us, Aeri is probably the only reliable source."

Hyewon nodded in agreement. She knew nothing about relationships, their problems or how to solve those problems.

Haechan sighed once again, "Well, I can't ask Mark. He'll be biased and Sicheng is closer to Renjun than he's with me. So, I'm left with only you guys."

"Makes sense. Plus, Hyewon helped you two get together in the first place." Aeri noted and Jaehyun agreed. "So, where's your mind been at?"

Haechan went quiet for a minute as he organized his thoughts. "I was thinking... Maybe I should give him another chance."

"Really?" Aeri asked and Haechan nodded.

"You're okay with the whole... cheating thing?" Jaehyun questioned in return and Haechan nodded once again.

"It definitely hurt at first. Screw that, it broke me but it's been a while since he told me and... I think I've forgiven him." Haechan explained.

Hyewon gave his words some thought. He sounded rather confident in his decision. Maybe he truly was ready to give their relationship another chance.

"And what about your issues from before all of this started. You didn't trust him then, so how are you expecting to trust him now?" Aeri asked and judging from the look on Haechan's face, he was surprised by it.

He sat there, pondering for a moment before finally speaking again. "I think that's something we can work on. Truthfully, that was my fault. I have a habit of not thinking before I say something and I understand why Renjun would be upset with me."

"Yeah, but he broke your trust, anyway. Whether he was mad at you or not... He had no right to do that to you." Hyewon said for the first time since the discussion started.

Yes, she was Renjun's friend too and had tried to be there for him, but she also didn't want Haechan to put himself in a situation that caused his  heartbreak in the first place.

"She's right... We would support any decision you make, but we just want the best for you." Aeri added, stretching her arm over the table to place her hand over Haechan's.

Haechan seemed to have been processing their words, weighing his options. "I just... I know what he did was wrong, but at some point I need to take responsibility for what I did too. I pushed him to that point. I deserved what I got and-"

"Hyuck..." Hyewon tried to interrupt, but Haechan held his hand up and continued speaking.

"I'm not justifying it. I'm just saying that both of us have some stuff we could work on and I really love him, so we can always work on it together." He finished off.

Aeri still gripped his hand while all three of them were silent. Haechan's maturity shocked them all especially because he wasn't usually the easily forgiving type, but Renjun must really mean a lot to him if he was willing to let everything go just like that.

"And you're sure about this?" Jaehyun asked and Haechan firmly nodded his head. "Well, then we'll support you. Both of you."

"He's right. You were always good together, so I wouldn't complain having my favourite couple back together." Aeri smiled small at the boy and Haechan broke away from her eyes as a smile slowly spread on his lips.

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