twenty six

153 13 1

Yuta laid on his bed with Hyewon wrapped up in his arms. Her own arms were snaked around his middle. She had asked to come over which at first shocked Yuta. Usually he'd be the one to initiate meet-ups. Though he didn't complain. It felt like Hyewon was finally warming up to him. She was slowly acting more and more like a girlfriend.

He stroked his fingers up and down her arm as they just enjoyed the silence. After a few short minutes, Yuta finally spoke. "So, are you going to tell me why you wanted to come over so suddenly?"

Hyewon tilted her head up to his face, Yuta staring down at her. "I need a reason to see my boyfriend?" Hyewon wore a teasing smile.

"I'm not complaining." He shrugged. "It's just unlike you."

Hyewon buried her head into his chest as he continued softly brushing his fingers over her skin. "I want to be better." She said, her voice below a whisper. "I've been terrible lately and I want to say I'm sorry." She then placed a kiss on his chest.

Yuta hummed as his other hand took hold of her hand and brought their joined hands up to his lips to kiss the back of her hand. "It's okay. I'm still in love with you regardless."

A smile broke out on her lips but he couldn't see it. She was incredibly fond of the boy. He was perfect. But she realized that she doesn't even know all that much about him. "Do you miss your family?" She asked suddenly, looking up at him.

Yuta grinned. "Yeah, a lot. But I really like it here. I'm happy here."


"Really." Yuta replied, gently placing his hand on her cheek as he caressed it.

"Johnny, Taeyong and Doyoung must be great housemates, then." Yuta laughed and Hyewon decided to sit straight. She folded her hands into her lap. "Tell me about them."

Yuta stared at her at first, before asking, "My friends?"

"No, dummy. Your family." She laughed.

"Oh," Yuta wore a sheepish smile. "Well, there's my mom and dad. My dad is a construction manager and my mom took care of us my whole life. My older sister graduated university last year. Oh, and I have a little sister too." Like Sicheng. Her mind immediately made the comparison. She shouldn't even be thinking about him right now. "We have a family dog too but I sometimes forget about her, to be honest."

Hyewon laughed at his confession. "Poor dog." She said. She had been too busy laughing at him that she didn't notice the way he became quiet. When she glanced at him again, her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

Yuta stared at her, a small smile etched his lips. He looked at her like she was the bearer of the moon, sun and all the stars. It was a sight that made her heart beat erratically and her stomach flip.

"What?" She asked, self conscious all of the sudden.

"Nothing." He chuckled. "I just like when you laugh. Especially when it's because of me."

Hyewon blushed. She didn't really understand why he said that, but it definitely made her feel warm inside.

Her phone then went off, the notification lighting her screen up. She glanced at it briefly, seeing who it was from and Yuta seemed to have done the same, because he then asked, "Aren't you going to answer that?"

Hyewon threw her phone onto the pillow and shook her head. Her mood was ruined now. "No, it's just Sicheng."

"You can text him back, I don't mind."

"I don't want to." Hyewon concluded and Yuta seemed to have noticed the shift in her mood.

"Are you okay?" He was worried now. Hyewon usually never reacted like this, not when it came to her best friend.

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