twenty seven

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Sicheng sat on his bed, watching Yena pace up and down in his room. He was really tired but didn't dare tell the girl. She would probably scold him even more. So, for now he only waited for her to speak first.

Yena gripped the roots of her long black hair and sighed before turning to Sicheng. "You."

"Me?" He questioned back.

"You know I love you, right?" Sicheng slowly nodded. "But I really want to murder you right now."

"You've said that like a hundred times over the last four days." Sicheng retorted.

Yena glared at him and immediately he pursed his lips. "I just don't understand you!" She exclaimed all of the sudden.

Sicheng was particularly shocked by her raised tone. "I'm not even doing anything bad, Yena."

"What do you mean you're not doing anything bad? You're leading my friend on!"

"I am not." He sighed a tired sigh. How much longer is this conversation going to be?

"Sicheng." He looked at her. She walked closer to him and crouched right in front of him. "You know damn well you aren't emotionally available. Like at all."

He sighed again, this time falling onto his back against his pillows. "Shouldn't you be proud of me or something?" Yena raised a brow in question. "I'm trying to move on!"

The girl laughed at his statement. "Yeah, right."

"You think I'm joking?"

"No, but I also don't think using my friend for your little experiment is a good idea." Yena took a seat next to his limp figure. "As much as I'm loving you entertaining the idea of dating other people, I just don't think this will end well, Sicheng."

"I'm giving her up. Like officially." Yena was shocked hearing this. "She's happy with Yuta. I can't be the one to ruin her happiness. That's not fair."

There was a silence as Yena thought. "Have you ever thought of just confessing? I think it would help with getting that final closure you need."

"No." He firmly stated. "That's not an option."


"Yena, no. I'm giving her up, so that I won't lose her. Why on earth would I tell her I'm in love with her?"

"Because I think she deserves to know."

Sicheng looked away. He was considering it. Maybe she was right? But it doesn't matter. He isn't going to tell Hyewon. "No," He concluded.

Yena gave him a look. It was sympathetic and sad. "I'm just worried about you. You know that, right?"

"I do." He sighed. "But you also angry blurted everything out and now Hyewon is ignoring me."

Yena rubbed her neck sheepishly. "Sorry about that. I was just really thrown off and I guess, angry because you didn't tell me."

"I was going to. I just knew you'd want to kill me because it's your friend."

Yena laughed. "You know me so well."

"Shut up." Sicheng rolled his eyes at her, yet a small smile spread on his lips. Then he remembered something. "So..." He dragged the word out. Yena looked at him. "You and that Taeyong guy..."

Yena gasped and launched forward to hit Sicheng's arm. He tried to roll away but she only ended up falling on top of him. "We don't speak of that." She said, swatting his arm a few times.

"Hey, hey, hey! You know all about my business, so it's only fair you share yours with me too."

Yena groaned, her forearms still resting on his stomach. "I don't want to."

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