twenty four

174 12 9

Jaehyun shoved Mark aside and rushed to the girl.

Aeri had tripped and seemed to have passed out. Jaehyun was at her aid, trying to wake her up. Sicheng, Haechan and Renjun stood in shock at the scene. Confused as to what just happened.

Mark had made it to her as well along with Hyewon, who rested Aeri's head on her lap. Everyone else seemed to have made space for the unconscious girl. "Aeri?" Hyewon asked, patting the girl's cheek to try and gain a reaction from her.

"Oh my God." Mark muttered in a panic. "This is all my fault."

"Fuck you, Mark." Jaehyun spat at the other.

Hyewon wanted to hit both of them. This wasn't the time, not when Aeri wasn't waking up. "Shut up. Both of you!"

Hyewon was about to ask them to pick her up to carry to Yuta's room but Aeri's eyes slowly fluttered open. "Aeri?" Jaehyun asked.

Hyewon immediately looked down at the girl and Mark, who was nervously biting his nails, snapped his head towards her. "Are you okay, buttercup?" Hyewon asked, brushing some of the girl's short strands of hair out of her face.

Aeri didn't immediately respond and they figured she was probably just registering what happened. But to their surprise, the girl started giggling. "Your faces are so funny."

"What the fuck, Aeri?" Mark exclaimed, earning a glare from Jaehyun and Hyewon.

"You passed out for a second. Are you alright?" Hyewon tried again and Aeri nodded before letting Jaehyun pull her up.

"Whoa, my head is spinning." By now everyone had went back to minding their own business and the music was blasting again.

"Mark, take her home." The boy didn't even try to protest against Hyewon. He wanted to be the one with her right now, anyway.

He stepped forward to take the girl into his arms, but a hand on his chest stopped him. "Listen, you're my bro and everything, but if you don't sort this shit out now, we're going to have some serious issues." Mark nodded. "I mean it, Mark. She doesn't deserve this treatment from you." Mark nodded again. He knew he's been an asshole lately.

So, he hooked his arms under Aeri's back and legs before scooping her up to carry bridal style. Aeri didn't really process anything and only leaned her head onto his shoulder, allowing him to carry her out.

The ride to Aeri's apartment was silent as the girl passed out the moment he strapped her seat belt in. Every few seconds, he would glance at her to make sure she was still breathing. He had just checked for the tenth time now and as soon as his eyes went back to the road, he rested his hand on her knee. He was surprised to feel Aeri slowly slip her fingers through his and holding his hand in place. A small smile etched on her lips.

Mark pulled into the parking lot of Aeri's apartment building. He wondered if she was even still awake considering her grip had loosened the tiniest bit. He then tried to release her hand but suddenly she held his hand tighter. "Aeri, we're here." The girl groaned in response and Mark huffed. "Come on. Do you want me to carry you?" Aeri responded with the nod of her head. "Well, you're going to need to let go of my hand if you want me to carry you." At first she didn't budge but then after a lot of contemplation, she finally let go.

Mark got out of the car without another word before appearing at the passenger side to get the girl out. After he carried her into the building, he then impatiently waited for the elevator to take them up to the right floor. Aeri still hadn't moved since they left the car. Mark figured she probably fell asleep again.

Then after some struggle he managed to unlock her door with his own pair of keys he kept on his keychain. Carefully, he laid her down on her bed and tried to remove her uncomfortable clothing as gently as possible. Aeri stirred in her sleep just after Mark managed to slip sweatpants on her.

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