twenty five

180 14 9

Monday rolled around much faster than anyone wanted. Especially considering there's been constant parties over the whole weekend and most students were still recovering from them.

Hyewon stepped onto campus, feeling quite tired but luckily, she didn't drink much to cause her to have a hangover like others. Her hair was pulled into a low ponytail, her go to look whenever she was feeling lazy. She even wore sweatpants just because she wanted to be as comfortable as possible for the day.

She was surprised to find all her friends already waiting at their usual table, save for Mark and Aeri. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't heard from either of them since they left. She didn't know whether that was a good or bad sign. Hopefully, it was the former.

"Good morning," She said once she finally took a seat. Everyone greeted her back, happily. It felt nice. "Does anyone else feel like they're about to pass out? Or just me?"

"Nah, I still have a faint headache. Remind me to literally never party with your boyfriend ever again." Jaehyun answered. A chuckle fell from Sicheng's mouth and it surprised her. Usually all things Yuta was a mood spoiler for him.

"You'll never guess what Haechan did when you were with Yuta." Renjun suddenly spoke. Hyewon turned to him in curiosity and the Chinese immediately pulled his phone out. A whine came from Haechan, the boy obviously embarrassed by whatever Renjun was about to show. However, Renjun just ignored his boyfriend's protests and then clicked play on a video.

In the video an extremely drunk Haechan was dancing on the table in the middle of the living room. The crowd was cheering him on and it seemed to have fueled the boy on even more. Who could blame them though? Haechan was quite the performer.

"Stop, it's hurting my eyes." Haechan complained as he covered his eyes. Hyewon giggled as she continued watching the video, but found Haechan's embarrassment just as amusing.

"Michael Jackson better watch out. Haechan Jackson is coming for his crown, I fear." Hyewon teased and Renjun laughed as he pocketed his phone again.

Haechan groaned. He was about to say something back but his attention suddenly shifted. Both Hyewon and Renjun followed his gaze, even Sicheng and Jaehyun noticed the suddenly shift in attention.

The reaction was well deserved as all of them saw Aeri and Mark. Holding hands. Talking to each other. Almost like normal times?

"Okay, what's going on?" Haechan was first to ask, the moment he picked his jaw up from the floor.

Hyewon, Sicheng and Jaehyun looked between each other in shock. This felt so strange to all of them. It's been a while since they saw this sight.

"Hey, guys!" Aeri cheerfully greeted as Mark gave a little wave.

The other five all managed out weak hi's and hello's, but ultimately their shock was too much for them to fully process what was happening.

"Okay, I'ma just say it." Hyewon finally managed to say on behalf of all of them. "You're back together? Or wait like, y'all made up? Please, explain."

"I'm so confused." Sicheng added and Jaehyun nodded along.

Aeri laughed at her friends before sitting down. "Yeah, we're okay again." She said.

"I realized I was stupid and we spoke things out." Mark continued and Aeri smiled brightly. They hadn't seen that smile in a while.

"Fucking finally! I swear to God, I was starting to suffocate with all the tension." Jaehyun sighed in relief.

"Right? I'm so happy the parents are happy again."

Haechan peered at the two from behind Renjun. He was so happy for them, but yet still felt guilty for his part in this whole mess. Renjun seemed to have noticed and laced their fingers together in comfort. "I'm sorry. You guys would've never been fighting if it wasn't for me."

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