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A cool breeze filtered through the air sending a shiver through Hyewon's body. It was getting colder by the day and the girl was thrilled for the winter season to come around again.

She looked around her, seeing the bare trees and the leaf covered grounds. She turned towards the boy next to her, sending him an ecstatic smile.
It's been about a month since she met Yuta and she definitely had grown a great liking towards the male.

The two were finally going on a date and Hyewon was curious as to what a date with Yuta would be like.

He drove them out of town, stopping at a small café like place. "Where are we?" Hyewon asked, eyeing the place with much curiosity.

Yuta laughed at how childlike she looked, gently taking hold of her wrist. "You'll see."

Hyewon didn't question him any further and decided to just trust him. They walked into the café, the bell above the door ringing. Hyewon was absolutely amazed by the setting in front of her.

The whole café gave off the most cozy feeling, like she was in her own home. She stared in awe, before meeting Yuta's eyes. The male snickered at her expression, "I'm guessing you like this place?" he asked.

Hyewon eagerly nodded, pulling Yuta's arm so that she could explore the place more.

The whole café was filled with comfy couches and cute little reading corners. Plants hung from the ceiling as fairy lights adorned the walls. Hyewon spotted a staircase and immediately ran up it.

At the top, she reached an area that was full of cases filled with books, with more sofas in the middle of the room. Hyewon was absolutely in love with this place. It was so simple and homely. It was just perfect for her.

She made her way downstairs again, seeing Yuta stand at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for her. He smiled as he saw her, offering his hand for her to take. "So, what do you think?"

"I love it! How did you even find this place?" Hyewon questioned since she has never seen or heard of this place before.

Yuta smiled at the girl once again. "I have my ways." he answered.

"I've lived in this town my whole life, yet the exchange student knows it better than I do." the girl teased, taking a seat in the chair Yuta had pulled out for her.

"Well, if I really wanted to impress you, I had to do my homework properly." he shrugged making Hyewon blush a bit.

"I'm definitely impressed, alright." Hyewon replied, laughing a bit. A cute waitress made her way to their table, asking them for their orders.

Hyewon looked down at her menu only to see its all written in Japanese. "Uhm..." the girl looked at Yuta in panic. He must have realized the problem as he muttered a small 'oh' before taking the menu from Hyewon.

"How about I order for you?" he asked.

The girl was a bit sceptical at the thought of Yuta ordering for her but since this was their date, she figured she might as well trust him. So, she nodded her head, signally her approval to which Yuta smiled.

He spoke to the waitress, pointing at different dishes on the menu. Hyewon couldn't help but be curious about what he had ordered for her.

When the waitress finalized their order and left, Hyewon immediately looked at Yuta. "What did you order?" she asked.

Yuta only shook his head, smiling softly at her. "You're not allergic to anything, right?" he carefully asked.

"Not that I'm aware of," Hyewon answered. Yuta nodded at her response and the two went back to waiting for their order to come.

Hyewon noticed the way Yuta was tapping his fingers against the table as he hummed along to the song playing in the background. She's never heard it before, but that didn't matter to her. She was focused on trying to hear Yuta more clearly.

He had a pretty voice, a complete surprise to her. "You can sing?" the question slipped out.

Yuta stopped singing and looked over at her. He hummed, telling her that he didn't hear her. Hyewon giggled, leaning on her forearms to get closer to the boy. "I asked if you can sing, but I already have my answer." she grinned happily as Yuta's eyes widened a fraction.

"I'm not very good though." Yuta said, shyly scratching the back of his head.

This made Hyewon laugh, the boy looked so cute when he was shy. "Why are you shy?" she asked between fits of laughter.

"No one has actually heard me sing before. Well, I choose not to sing in front of others." Hyewon was about to reply when the food had arrived.

She looked at the dishes in front of her and her mouth started watering. She looked over at Yuta, meeting his twinkling eyes.

He seemed embarrassed that he was caught staring as he quickly cleared his throat before gesturing to the food in front of them. "Uhm, this- this is udon noodles. They look a bit plain, but they're really good and these are tempura... It's like fried seafood?" Yuta explained.

Hyewon giggled as the boy stumbled over his words, looking down at the food. "I wanted to start with something simple. Then we can try something a bit less typical next time."

"Next time?" Hyewon playfully asked, watching as Yuta choked a bit on his water.

"I just mean... I'd love to bring you on a second date." Hyewon smiled at him. The way he said the words with such certainty made her heart warm. It meant he planned on keeping her around.

"And I would love to go on that second date." she replied. Yuta's eyes shot up to her own, that beautiful smile playing on his lips. And it was at that moment that Hyewon knew a date with Yuta was absolutely perfect.

 And it was at that moment that Hyewon knew a date with Yuta was absolutely perfect

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