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"Do you think they'll be okay?" Hyewon asked out of the blue.

Sicheng broke his eyes away from the movie in front of them to look at the girl. It was later that night and the two were lying on Hyewon's bed watching old movies on her laptop. "Who?" He questioned.

"Mark and Aeri... like they seemed pretty pissed at each other." Hyewon spoke, taking hold of Sicheng's hand.

The boy felt his heart flutter, staring at the girl as she played with his fingers. The movie was long forgotten as Sicheng was only focused on his hand in hers.

Though the moment didn't last long when Hyewon suddenly shuffled towards him to look at him. "Are you dead?" she playfully asked before noticing just how close to him she was. "Oh..."

Sicheng held her gaze as she gulped at the close proximity. His stare was so fervent she swore it made her heart do weird things.

His mind had run away with him. All sense of sanity vanishing as he contemplated on what to do next. He didn't want to move away, that he knew for sure but he also didn't want to make Hyewon uncomfortable either.

The two continued the staring contest for a few seconds longer. Hyewon noticed the way he slowly inched closer to her, but she thought it was just her imagination.

She couldn't comprehend what was happening, especially since this had never happened before. She swallowed her nerves, trying hard to get herself to break away.

"Uhm... I think they'll work it out." Sicheng, fortunately, spoke. Hyewon snapped out of her trance. She looked at Sicheng with confusion written all over her face. "Mark and Aeri. You were worried about them." Sicheng quickly explained, clearing his throat as he shifted his eyes away from her.

"Right..." she replied, moving away from him. She let out an awkward laugh, flattening her pillow.

A knock suddenly came from her door and Hyewon had never been more thankful. She flew up, nearly making the laptop fall on the floor. When she opened the door, she was met by her little brother.

Jisung wore a bored expression, looking at Hyewon's flushed cheeks. "What is it?" she asked.

"Can I use your charger?" he answered, before peeking into her room. "Oh, Sicheng is here."

Sicheng gave him a small wave to which Jisung nodded. "So, can I?"

"What's wrong with yours?" Hyewon questioned, giving the boy a pointed look.

Jisung sighed, running his hand over his face. "I left it at Chenle's. Come on, Hyewon." the boy whined, tugging at her arm.

"You need to learn to be more responsible, dude. You'll survive the night with no phone." Hyewon shrugged the boy off.

She was about to close the door in his face, but Jisung was quick to stop her. "You do realize that I won't stop pestering you, right?"

Hyewon cocked an eyebrow at the younger, shocked by his smugness. "The faster you give me what I want, the sooner you get to go back to your boyfriend."

The girl's eyes widened at his choice of words and quickly turned to see if Sicheng had heard. Her best friend raised his eyebrow at her to which she replied with a groan.

When she turned back to Jisung, the boy wiggled his eyebrows at her. She swatted his arm, making the boy yelp and jump back. "Hey!"

"He's not my boyfriend, you idiot." she defended.

"Yeah, sure. Now can you please, for the love of waffles, give me your charger?" Jisung begged. Hyewon sighed, disappearing to get the charger.

"I want it back tomorrow morning." she shoved the thing into Jisung's hands.

The younger slyly smiled at her, thanking her before running off to his room.

"Boyfriend, huh?" Sicheng playfully asked when Hyewon returned.

"Shut up." she groaned, falling onto her bed, face first.

"I mean... is that really such a weird thing to imagine?" Sicheng absent-mindedly asked.

Hyewon peeked at the boy from the side, but Sicheng had already busied himself with his phone. "What are you doing?" she questioned when Sicheng suddenly laughed.

"Yena sent me this video. Isn't it it funny?" he tilted his phone for Hyewon to see.

However, she didn't even care to watch the video and instead rolled her eyes. "You guys are always talking." she mumbled.

Sicheng chuckled, eyes flickering to Hyewon for a moment before sending a quick reply to Yena. "She's a good friend and really fun to be around."

"Okay, but you're my best friend." the girl whined, receiving a weird look from Sicheng.

He didn't know where this sudden possessiveness came from but he couldn't decide whether he liked it or not. Hyewon has never been the jealous type, so this was quite amusing to him.

"And that won't change, Hye, but there's no rule saying that I can't make new friends."

Hyewon let out an exasperated groan, flopping her body on its other side. Sicheng poked her sides, knowing how ticklish she was.

The girl tried to hold her laughter, hitting Sicheng's hands away. "Get away!" she yelled, her face buried deep into her pillow.

Sicheng couldn't help but laugh as Hyewon continued begging him to stop. "I'll stop if you stop acting so weird about Yena."

Hyewon whipped her head up, looking at Sicheng in bewilderment. "I'm not acting weird!" she defended.

Sicheng rolled his eyes, causing Hyewon to punch his arm. "You're the one who is being rude to Yuta." she retorted as Sicheng rubbed the forming bruise on his upper arm.

"You're such a fucking idiot, Park Hyewon." Sicheng's tone was slightly annoyed and Hyewon didn't miss it.

"Yeah, well you're still sticking around," she huffed, crossing her arms. "You're the real idiot here."

A small smile formed on Sicheng's lips before he could even prevent it. "Stop sulking, you big baby. Let's just go buy some ice cream."

"Are you paying?" Hyewon asked.

"If it means you'll be happy, of course." Sicheng replied.

Hyewon practically jumped out of bed, hopping around the room to find something warm to wear, mumbling about how Sicheng is the best.

"Anything for you, Hye." the boy whispered to himself.

" the boy whispered to himself

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