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A few days have passed and the group of friends sat at their usual table. Haechan, Renjun and Aeri were debating about what the best fruit is. Hyewon was right beside Jaehyun, the two laughing at a joke Mark had told them. The girl glanced around noticing the lack of presence of her best friend. "He's not here yet?" Jaehyun asked upon noticing the girl's sudden sullen state. Hyewon shook her head, before plopping her head straight onto Jaehyun's shoulder. 

"There's no way!" Haechan exclaimed, the three of them diverting their attention to their conversation. Haechan had a look of disbelief on his face, Renjun shaking his head at his boyfriend.

"It's not that hard to believe, Hyuck." the boy spoke, sighing. Aeri giggled, looking between the couple. She then caught sight of the questioning looks on their other friends' faces and began laughing even harder. 

"Guys, please tell Renjun and Aeri that they're wrong!" Haechan yelled.

"What did they say?" Hyewon asked, eyebrows knitted in confusion. 

Haechan sighed, gesturing for Renjun to handle the explanation. The Chinese boy rolled his eyes, but nevertheless began explaining. "He's having a hard time believing that tomatoes are fruits too."

"That's because you're obviously lying." Haechan argued, "There's absolutely no way tomatoes are fruits."

"Renjun isn't lying, Hyuck." Jaehyun spoke up, chuckling. Both Mark and Haechan gasped, turning toward the male. 

Hyewon and Aeri laughed at the two boys reactions. Aeri softly ruffled Mark's hair, "You're so cute~" she cooed.

"More like stupid. No wonder Hyuck and him are best friends. Dumb and dumber, indeed." Renjun muttered. Haechan tried to protest but Renjun simply silenced him. The two then began bickering, a sight the group was very used to.

Hyewon noticed Sicheng approaching the table and then slipping in a seat next to Renjun, which also coincidentally happened to be right across from her. She offered him a small smile, but he pretended to not see, instead turning to Jaehyun. "What are they arguing about now?" He asked.

Jaehyun chuckled, "Well, it started with Haechan not believing that tomatoes are fruits, but as of now, I'm not too sure." he answered, awkwardly scratching his head when Renjun abruptly stood up and stormed off.

All eyes turned to Haechan, the male sighing. "He's just being dramatic again." he said, taking his bag before going after his boyfriend.

"Oh, uhm..." Aeri said, as all five of them tried to process what they had just witnessed. "I think I'll head to class early." 

"I'll go with you." Mark offered, taking his girlfriend's bag and the couple took off.

"Yeah, I have to go meet someone before my class starts." Jaehyun added, his ears becoming red.

Hyewon and Sicheng were left, the two awkwardly sitting in absolute silence. The girl cleared her throat, daring a quick glance at Sicheng. He was scrolling through his phone. She gave out an exasperated sigh and placing her hands ontop of the table. "Look, I'm not sure why you're so mad at me, but not talking to me for three days is a bit much, don't you think?"

Sicheng heaved a sigh, running a hand through his hair, the strands smoothly falling through his fingers. "I'm sorry. I guess I just got really jealous and overreacted. I shouldn't have taken it out on you." 

"You were jealous? Of what?" Hyewon questioned, a bit bewildered by the male's statement. When Sicheng didn't answer, it finally clicked to her. "This is about Yuta, isn't it?"

Sicheng immediately broke eye contact. Hyewon stared at her best friend, but he still refused to meet her eyes. "You know I could or would never replace you. That's something you never have to worry about." Hyewon said, placing her hand on his.

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