Chapter 49 'NeverLand'

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Annabelle's POV

"jason!" I whined, "we're there" he said, "you've been saying that since the last hour" i replied while rolling my eyes, "you're so lazy Rhodes" he commented, I stopped walking and raised my eye brows

"I'm not lazy McCan, I just don't feel like walking, especially to an unknown place" I glared at him, "I told you Anna, I'm taking you to NeverLand" he said while taking my hand and he started walking,

"And I told you, you aren't Peter Pan" I said, "well, we'll see about that" he whispered in my ear, i rolled my eyes, "Jason, I swear i cant walk any longer" i said, "you were stronger than this Anna" smirked Jason,

I left his hand and sat on a rock, "well probably, because I used to work out everyday and go Jogging, now I do nothing but sit at home. Oh and look!" I lifted my shirt up "i have a fat stomach and I'm getting fat" i said lowering it back, Jason burst out laughing

"You are't fat Annabelle, and you can still jog and work out" he smiled, "I dont feel like it" i said as i laid on the rock, "i'm tired, i cant complete this" I groaned and closed my eyes.

"Annabelle, come on" he said, "all you've been doing is discovering places, and me walking to them for hours" I said in a low voice, "but, it's worth it" He said, I kept silent, my eyes closed, and my body has collapsed and i can't move anymore

I felt arms around my body, "Jason, please" I whined, "I just want to rest"

"And, you will" he said and he lifted up my body, he held me bridal style and he completed walking, "thank you" I mumbled while laying my head on his chest. suddenly, I felt bad, He's so excited to show me the place he had discovered and I didn't show a little bit of excitement.

I opened my eyes and saw him looking on the way while walking, "i can take it from here" i said, he looked at me and smiled, "no, you want to rest, and you can do that" he said, "but I did rest, now i wanna complete walking, maybe i'll loose some calories" I said, "Jason, put me down, please" I said,

"But, you-" i cut him off, "please"

He sighed and put me down, "let's complete walking" i said as i held his hand, "oh and this time answer truthfully, are we there?" I asked, he started laughing "well, we need 30 minutes to reach it up" he said, my jaw dropped, "so you lied to me?" I said, "i wouldn't call it lying" he said, "seriously? It is lying" i said, "it's more like motivating" he said, "how that is going to motivate me? Saying we're there when we still have a long way" i said, he shrugged, "I don't know"

"Loser" I said, he chuckled and pushed me, i fell on the grass, he was standing laughing his ass off, "who's the Loser now Rhodes?" He kept laughing, I got up and i pushed him, but he held my hand and we both fell, we both started laughing, "loser" he said and threw at me some leaves.

"Well, catch me and we'll see who's the loser" i got up and ran so fast, "NOO! ANNABELLE! Its dangerous out there! Please come back!" I heard Jason's voice, I hid behind a tree. "annabelle, please come back" Suddenly i remembered that situation

I decide to play around, i removed his hand around my body, "catch me if you can" i screamed while running, "NO ANNABELLE! ITS DANGEROUS" i heard him screaming, i hid behind a tree.

"Annabelle, its not funny! Get out from where you are and come here!" He screamed, i kept myself of laughing, Suddenly i felt a hand on my mouth, "don't move" i heard a familiar voice, i gasped. Im in deep shit!

-End of Flashback-

"Annabelle, where are you?" i heard Jason's voice again, I bit my lower lip and walked towards his voice, "Jason?" I called him out, "Annabelle?" I completed walking towards the voice, he saw me and he ran to me, his body crushed to mine and he hugged me tightly,

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