Chapter 45 'Must'

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Annabelle's POV

"so how did you asked her to be your girlfriend?" I asked while sitting straight on my bed, "well, when I got her back home, we kissed in the car and then I asked her" he said and smiled widely "im so happy for you" i said while smiling, "so tell me what did you guys do"

"Well, We went on a picnic in the park and kept talking and laughing, and then we fed the ducks, you should've seen her smile while feeding them bread" he said, His eyes lit up while talking about her, i smiled while listening to him the complement of what happened. I watched his eyes lighting and glowing while talking. i smiled wishing Jason would talk about me in the same way.

"So that's it?" i asked when he finished, "yea, it was perfect, she's perfect" he said, i smiled "I need to meet her" i said, he nodded. "you should"

"So, what did you and Jason do last night?" he asked smirking, i hit him playfully, "We didnt do anything, we just kissed. it didnt even last long" i said while looking on the Window on my right, "you should move on" he said, i nodded. "I really should, But I cant help it"

I heard him sigh, "Anna-" he was cut off by a ringing tone, he pulled his phone and looked at the screen, I saw his smile getting wild. i smiled. he typed something on his phone then looked at me, he was going to talk but he was cut off again by the same ringing tone. "You can go" i smiled, "you sure?" he asked, I nodded. he came and hugged me tightly, "Stay Strong" he whispered in my ear, I smiled "Thank you"

He smiled and kissed my forehead before going downstairs which I followed him,

I saw Jason sleeping on the couch, i bit my lower lip while watching him. I sighed and sat on the couch next to him, I shook him lightly, "Jason, Jason" I shook him, he opened his eyes so slow, "what?" he mumbled, "go upstairs, come on. the couch isnt comfortable" I said, he nodded and got up slowly, I watched him walking upstairs sleepy.

I went to the Kitchen and took a glass of water, I watched the wild trees moving because of the wind, and the Moon was shining while the stars were around it. I put the glass in the sink and went upstairs, it's weird how i wasnt in any pain that my period causes.

I hurried took a quick shower and slipped on a black sweat pants with my tank top and laid on my bed next to sleep Jason. I looked at his face and touched his cheek, I kissed it and closed my eyes drifting into a deep sleep.
"Annabelle" i groaned and flipped over, I pulled the cover over my head, "anna, ANNABELLE" I heard someone so annoying waking me up, I opened my eyes and saw Sandra, "you took forever" she said, "Im tired"

"Oh well, give me some seconds to give a shit" she pulled the covers, I groaned loudly, "we're leaving, you're going to stay with Jason. We decided to leave you guys to solve your problems" my eyes got wide "WHAT?"

"You heard me, goodbye boo" she said, I glared at her "good luck" she smirked and closed the door. I laid back on my bed and put the pillow on my face.

I heard knocking, "WHAT?" I screamed, "uh- its me" I recognized Jason's voice, "come in" I mumbled and pulled the covers back over my face and held them tightly.

"We need to talk."

And within a second, all the covers were removed. "fine" I got up and went to the bathroom, I hurried did my morning business and went back, I noticed Jason on his phone.
"talk" I said out of boredom
"Do you hate me?" He asked locking his phone, I sighed before shacking me head, "I cant hate you even if I tried to"

I saw his smile spreading widely, "so, we need to know what our relationship is now" I said while checking my nails.
"Yes, we should."

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