Last Chapter 'My Own World'

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-My Own World-

-After 4 years-

Annabelle's POV

"Come on baby, get up. its our graduation day" i heard Jason's voice, and he kissed my cheek, "What?" i mumbled, "graduation day" he said, i opened my eyes slowly and saw my graduation dress hanging, my eyes got so wide, "You must be kidding me!" i screamed getting up, "It's our graduation day!" smiled Jason so genuinely, i smiled widely "yes, it is" I smiled, he got up and hugged me, "come on, go and get ready, we need to be in the uni at 12" he said, "alright" I smiled and got inside the bathroom.

i peed, brushed my teeth, then I started showering remembering my days in the university,

I studied IT, university was a whole different world than school, it built my personality in a way no one can. I got a lot of friends, and I'm thankful to it. I remembered the days i didn't sleep to study my exams, and Jason stayed up with me because we both studied the same thing, Information Technology,

it was an amazing experience that i'll never forget,

these four years were the best, my whole personality changed, my vision of the real world also changed, and most of all, I started believing in God's existing, and I started believing that God's not dead. University opened my mind in an amazing way that words can't explain, i lived my hardest and best times there.

"COME ON ANNABELLE! I NEED TO DO YOUR HAIR AND MAKEUP!" screamed Sandra, "five minutes Sandra" i said as i completed showering, when i was finished, i wrapped the towel around my body, and got out of the room, Sandra was waiting me, when she saw me she puffed,

"finally! come on. you're late! it's already 10:30!" she said and she made me sat on a chair, "let's start of your make-up" she said and started applying the foundation, "keep it simple Sandra" i said, "of course, i know you" she said, i smiled "don't smile! i need you to relax and no smiling! i need to make you look stunning!" she said, i kept silent and relaxed letting her do whatever she want to

"alright done with your make-up! now hair, come on" she said in a hurry, i was going to open my eyes when she prevented me "no-uh you cant! don't open your eyes! not yet" she said and turned on the hair-dryer. "what are you going to do with my hair?" i asked, "straighten it, oh and some loose curls" she said, "thank you for keeping it simple" i said, "I know you Annabelle, don't worry" she said, i smiled, she started straightening my hair, i kept my eyes closed for almost an hour,

"Alright, it's done, you can open your eyes" she said, i opened it and i gasped, "OHMYGOD SANDRA! thank you!" i said as i hugged her, my make-up was so simple, so was my hair, and I'm in love with it, "come on, go and wear your dress!" she said and pushed me towards the dress,

it was dark blue dress, with straps, and it was kind of opened from the front, and also simple, nothing so fancy.

I stripped from my own clothes and started putting it on with the help of Sandra, "So Annabelle, you didn't tell me the results?"

"Um, the results of?" i acted like I'm dumb while putting on my nude high heels. "if you're pregnant" she said,

"Oh that!" i said, she nodded. "Yes, that" she said, "well, uh- yes" i said while looking at my reflection on the mirror, "WHAT?" she screamed, "I'm pregnant" i said while biting my lower lip, "OHMYGOD! congratulations!" she wanted to hug me but i stepped back, "don't! you know i don't want to!" i said, she sighed, "did you tell Jason?" she asked, i shook my head, "I'm not sure how can I tell him.. what if he left me?" i asked, she rolled her eyes, "Trust me! Jason will freak out!" she said, i shook my head.

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