Chapter 47 'yours'

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Annabelle's POV

"Do I look Okay? Will he love it on me?" Sandra said while looking at her reflection on the mirror, she had a date with Josh and she was stressing over it way too much.

"Yes Sandra, you look fine" i said and rolled over her bed and took out a magazine flipping through it, "just fine? I need to look perfect!"

I rolled my eyes, "you look perfect Sandra" I murmured while checking the magazine when Suddenly it was snatched out of my hands, "HEYY!!" I screamed, "HELP ME!!" She screamed at me, "jeez, are you on your period?" I asked, "what? No!"

"Come on Sandra, follow me" i said as i walked out of her room and headed to mine, i saw Jason laying on our bed reading a book. He looked at me and sent me an awkward smile, I sent him a smile back.

Sandra groaned loudly, "i need to look pretty" she pouted and laid on my bed while holding my pillow, I rolled my eyes and opened my closet, "here, wear this"

I threw on my bed my black skinny jeans, with a red strapless fancy shirt, "come on go inside the bathroom and try them on"

She nodded and took them in her hands, she got inside the bathroom and closed the door behind her, I huffed and laid on my bed, "so, what are you reading?" i asked Jason, he looked at me and smiled

"Fifty shades of Grey"

"Isnt that all about sex?" I asked, he laughed, "you can say most of it" he said and laughed slightly, "give me the book" i said, "no, i wont. I dont think its good for you" he said and smiled a little,

"Whats up with you and the smiling?" I asked frowning, "Cant i be friendly?" He asked while smiling, I smiled widely and bit my lower lip.

I took the book from his hands and began reading

"His head turns fractionally toward me, his eyes darkest slate. I bite my lip.
"Oh, fuck the paperwork," he growls. He lunges at me, pushing me against the wall of the elevator. Before I know it, he's got both of my hands in one of his in a vice-like grip above my head, and he's pinning me to the wall using his hips. Holy shit. His other hand grabs my ponytail and yanks down, bringing my face up, and his lips are on mine. It's only just not painful. I moan into his mouth, giving his tongue an opening. He takes full advantage, his tongue expertly exploring my mouth. I have never been kissed like this."

I looked at Jason and raised my eye brow, "Wow Jason, just wow. I think i finished here" i said and gave him the book, he laughed slightly, "told you so".

HOW DO I LOOK?" Sandra got out of the bathroom and looked at me and Jason, "you look beautiful" said Jason, Sandra smiled widely and looked at me,

"Anna? Opinions?" She asked, "maybe a black leather skinny pants would go better and more formal" i said as I got up and pulled out my black leather skinny pants and threw it to her, "you sure?" She asked, I nodded "definitely" i smiled.

She got inside the bathroom and I looked at Jason, "you girls are crazy" he mumbled, "what did I do?" I asked and laughed slightly, "guys dont care that much about the material, Josh wont be looking if its Jeans or Leather"

"Leather is more formal, and sexier" i said and shrugged, "mhmm"

I kept waiting for Sandra till she finished and opened the door, "my ass looks so perfect!" She said all happy, I laughed and i heard Justin's coughs behind me.

I looked at Sandra, "turn around" i said, she turned around, I nodded in approval. "You look hot" i said, she smiled widely and hugged me tightly "thank you" she said in excitement, then she looked at herself in the mirror. "Red high heels or black ones?" She asked, "definitely i'll go with black"

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