Chapter 34 'trust'

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Annabelle's POV
He led me inside, his house was normal like any guy's house, "Im adrian by the way" he said, "annabelle" i smiled, "so what a beautiful girl doing in these streets alone at 1 AM?" He asked, "uh- its the first day for me in Miami, and i dont know the streets" i said awkwardly, he nodded.

"So, wanna watch movies?" He asked, "why did you let me inside?" I asked in a hurry, something i didnt understand
"You looked like you really need help" he smiled, "and, i love helping people, you dont look like a bad person" he completed. Me? Dont look like a and person? I was a criminal dude, i just smiled and nodded.

"So, what movies do you have?" I asked, he smiled "uh- wanna watch ouija?" He asked, i shrugged and nodded. We sat on the couch kind of far from each other, he put it on,
I stared at the screen terrified, adrian look at me and chuckled, suddenly he got up,

"wait 3 minutes" he winked before going
He left me all alone watching this horror film, i hugged the pillow next to me, i felt a hand on my shoulder, i jumped from my place, i looked at Adrian who was holding chips in his teeth and a bowl with coke, i took it from his hands, he sat next to me,

"So you're terrified of horror films?" He whispered, "just the ones with ghosts in them but not killing" i replied, he wrapped an arm around me, he chuckled, "whenever you're with me, you dont have to be afraid" he whispered.

I swear he's cute,
I mean who does that? There's rarely guys like this but then again, i cant be fooled

We cuddled and ate while watching ouija,
Finally when the film was over, my face was dug in His chest, he kept laughing at me, "it isnt funny" i said, "it is" he laughed, i hit his chest playfully, "so why you're not scared of killing movies and those things?" He suddenly asked, oh i dont know probably because i used to kill people

"I dont know, they just aren't scary you know?" I said, he nodded
"So you live alone?" I asked, he nodded "i have a sister who lives with her boyfriend, my mom and dad live in Sweden" he said, i nodded. "Cool" he smiled

"So with who you live?" He asked, "uhm- i live with my friends, they're five in addition to one of their mom" i said, "wow"
"Oh s hit! Adrian do you have an iPhone charger? They must be worried sick!" I panicked. He laughed on my reaction and nodded. "Give me your phone" he said, i gave him my phone and he plugged it

"Thanks" i mumbled, he shot me a wink, i got up and looked at my phone, the apple sign popped up, i waited till it was on,
I unlocked it and dialed Khalil's number, he answered almost instantly

"Where are you? Are you hurt? Annabelle what happened with the five guys? Are you alone? Are-" i cut him off, "khalil" i said, "im worried sick about you, all of us is" he whispered, "i ran away from the five boys, i got to a house and im staying at a friend's house" i said awkwardly, "a friend? Do you even know if she's good? Or bad?" He screamed, "the friend is a He" i said, "WHAT? what if he did anything to you? What if he hurt you?" He asked, "Chill, he seems so nice, and if i got hurt blame Jason" i said,

"Jason is in his room thinking about you, he's worried sick. Come back, tell me where you are and i will pick you up" he said,
"I just need to be alone today Khalil, and he should be worried, heck he let me leave and didnt care!" I said, i heard him sigh, "i know anna, listen when you come we'll talk about this. Glad you called" he whispered, i smiled to myself,

"Alright" i said, "stay safe, and call me if anything happens" he said, "okaii, good night Khalil" i said, "good night baby girl" he said and i hang up,

I looked at Andrea, "okaii this is a weird Question but dont freak out" he said, i looked at him and nodded for him to continue, "do you wanna smoke week?" He asked showing me some cigarettes, i smiled, "we can share" i winked, he smiled and we sat on the couch, he lit it on and took a blow, then gave it back to me, i smiled before smoking it and gave it back to him,

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