Chapter 35 'damaged'

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Annabelle's POV

"ADRIAAAAAN" I screamed when i entered his house, he came running from upstairs and smiled at me, "hey anna" he said as he pulled me into a hug, i smiled. "So the usual?" He asked, i nodded "what movie do you want to watch?" He asked smiling, "the mask" i said, "but its an old film!!" He pouted, i poked his cheek,

"I know it is, but i love it" i said, he sighed and nodded. He put on the film and we cuddled while watching. Its been around 2 months since I'm in Miami and thats what I do, hangout with Adrian, i rarely see Jason except at Night when we sleep.

Me and Andrea are best friends, not more nor less. And thats the usual, watching movies
My phone buzzed, i took it aside it was from Josh

Hey anna, we're going to a Club, Join Us? You cane bring andrea along (: -Josh

I smiled, "hey Josh, wanna go to a club?" I asked, "uhm- im tired" he said awkwardly, "im sorry" he said, "its fine" i smiled and unwrapped his arms slowly around me and got up,

"I got to go, to get ready" i said, he smiled, "i will see ya anna" he said, "see you" i winked before leaving.
I wrapped a towel around me after showering, i looked what's in my closet, i slipped on my undergarments then a high waisted black leather shorts with a red hot crop top.

I put on my black high heels then i stared at my reflection, i curled my hair with the curling iron, and started doing my make up, i made a smokey eyes then i put on dark lipstick, just when i finished the door was opened revealing Jason.

"Hey" he said taking off his shirt along with his pants, "hello" i mumbled as i unlocked my phone, "im going to shower" he mumbled before getting inside the bathroom, i watched him getting inside
Thats how we talk nowadays

I got out of the room when i heard a scream, "ANNABELLE COME HERE RIGHT NOW!" I realized its Sandra, i went to her room and opened the door, "what?" I said, she was in her towel sitting on the bed, "I CANT FIND ANYTHING TO WEAR! I NEED TO LOOK GOOD" she cried, i laughed and took her hand, "i will give you something to wear, come" i smiled, she got up and we went to my room, i gave her a white short dress that gets to the mid thigh, it hugs the body and its also strapless. It shows some cleavage

"Here" i smiled and gave it to her, she squealed and hugged me, she took off her towel and slipped it on, "zip it up" she said, i smiled and zipped it, "i look HOT" she squealed, i laughed, "wait i have some high heels that will go great with this" i gave her sparkling golden high heels, she smiled and slipped it.

"Im so going to get laid tonight" she whispered, i laughed, "you can get laid without wearing all of that" i said, she chuckled. "Im gonna go and put on my make up, thanks love" she said and got out of the room in a hurry, i sighed and laid on my bed,

Suddenly the door of the bathroom was opened, i forgot jason was in there, he got out with a towel around his waist, and his hair was dripping wet. I stared at him but removed my gaze in a hurry
"Should i wear the black ones or jeans?" He asked showing me two pairs of pants, "black, lets match" i said, he nodded and took off his towel, he stood there, naked in front of me. My jaw dropped

"Why so surprised baby? There's nothing you've never seen before" he smirked, i glared. He slipped on his boxers and YES i watched him getting dressed with a skinny black pants with a red shirt, "so did you enjoy with Andrea?" He asked while slipping his black supras on, i nodded. "Yea it was fun" i mumbled, he nodded.

"Where did you go today?" I asked, we never actually had a longer conversation, its the first time since months, "i was on a date" he said, i looked on the ground, "she's coming today, you'll meet her" he smiled warmly, i nodded again. Hurt, thats what i feel, im hurt. But i deserved it

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