A Selfless Soul.

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The bright light of the winter sun, shown through Ava's bedroom window; directly onto her face. Grabbing a pillow and covering her face she made an attempt to fall back asleep, school could survive a couple minutes without her presence.

Through the loud horns and roaring sirens of Queens, New York. Ava's alarm began blaring,  the sounds of American Pie echoing throughout her room; signalling her to get up and ready for school.

She groaned loudly, blindly smacking her phone until the noises stopped. "Stupid alarm" she mumbled "Stupid streets of New York." She swung her legs over the side of the bed and headed to her bathroom.

Turning the water to cold; a controversial move to most. She slipped off her pjs and hopped on inside. Ava enjoyed the comfort the cold water brought her as it dripped down her skin.

Ava sighed as she turned off the shower and wrapped her towel around her frail body. She wandered over to her closet, water droplets falling from her soft brunette hair.

Pursing her lips. she hums to herself, picking out some blue jeans with a small rip in the knee, and a beige sweater.

Drying her hair and applying some soft, natural makeup to her face. Ava cuffs up her jeans and sweater to add a more stylish look. She quickly throws on her unique gold arrow necklace that her sister Natasha had gifted her, and her unique gold earrings set that Yelena had given her; before they got separated.

Ava glances at the time before sliding her books into her backpack, rushing to her kitchen. She opens the fridge to see nothing but an apple sitting there. She sighs and makes a mental note to shop at Delmar's after school, before grabbing the apple and heading out the door.

Most of the apartment complex was aware that Ava lived alone, they all automatically assumed that she was an orphan with no other choice. Which wasn't far off the truth. Ava quickly locked her door and threw her key under her mat before heading out of the apartment complex, towards the subway station.


The subway was as packed as usual, Ava was stood holding onto one of the poles as she slipped in her earphones. Buried between the many students and business men all headed to school or work, Ava slowly slipped her way through the crowd. Reaching the subway doors as they arrived at her stop.

She quickly hopped off the subway and began making her way to Midtown, humming to herself as she walked.

Reaching Midtown high Ava slipped her way through the crowds of people within the hallways, ignoring the echoing sound of Betty Brant and Jason Ionello telling the daily school news.

Turning up her volume on her phone to drown out the noise, she spun in her locker combination. swinging the door open, Ava was startled by a firm tap on the shoulder.

Tensing up, Ava spun around ready to fight for her life if she needed. Her shoulders dropped, beginning to relax when being greeted by a smiling, cheerful, blonde.

"Jesus Gwen, you scared me." She mumbled as she pulled her headphones out of her ears, turning off her music.

Gwen giggled "well maybe if you didn't have your music up so damn loud, you would've heard me yelling your name from down the hall." She teased

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