Make Ups And Break Ups.

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It was a few days until their trip to Europe. Ava had moved back home and the letters.. well they kept pilling up; each one frightening Ava more than the last.

Peter's Aunt May was so kind to sign all of Avas permission slips for the trip. Deep down she knew it was Peter's doing, but she appreciated that May did it.

Pulling herself through the hallways of Midtown, heading for her locker as she avoided the gazes of her once called friends.

Hell, she had even been subconsciously distancing herself more from Peter after the letters started to pile up.

Reaching up, her numb fingers spun in her locker code against the cold metal. Opening up her locker, another letter falls out.

Hitching her breath, she stares down at it. Gulping as she crouches down, her nibble fingers brushing against the envelope.

Feeling a grasp on her shoulder, Ava throws her hand up. She grabs a hold of the individual, pinning them against the lockers.

"Ouch!" Avas face drops, grip loosening as she hears Peter's squeak. "Pete.. I'm so sorry I-"

Creating a distance between them, she steps back "I thought-" she began to speak before stopping herself, realising Peter didn't know.

Reaching down, Peter picks up her letter, handing it out to her. "It's okay, I forgot you were a little jumpy after the attack. It's my bad." He offers her a kind, reassuring smile which only made Avas guilt grow in her stomach.

A frown tugging at her lips, her eyes drooping in guilt. Ava gently takes the envelope from Peter, stuffing it into her pockets.

"Thank you.." she managed to whisper out.

Nodding, Peter presses his lips together, his reassuring smile not leaving his face. "So I uh.." he swallows "I'll see you later?" He spoke quietly.

Peter had noticed how Ava was distancing from him. Yes, it hurt, but he didn't want to disrespect her wishes, he knew she was going through a lot.

Watching as Peter began to walk away, she reaches out, grabbing his hand. "I uhm. I- I'm sorry.." she frowns "I've been off the past couple of days and I-"

"You don't have to explain yourself to me Av." Peter cuts her off "take all the time you need, just know I'm here."

Glancing down at their hands before meeting her gaze again "here until the end of the line." He smiles, using their cheesy catchphrase for when one another needs some reassurance.

Nodding, she quickly wiped a tear that had began to escape her eye. "Until the end of the line.." she whispered, pulling him into a tight hug.

Confused by the sudden affection, Peter hesitates slightly before hugging back.

Resting her chin against his shoulder, she squeezes her eyes shut. The tears threatening to spill.

Truth was, Ava was terrified. She had built a wall around herself again for protection but after speaking to Peter again, she realised how much she actually needed him.

Feeling how tense she was, Peter carefully began to rub her back for comfort. Looking down the hallway he sees Gwen and Mj eyeballing the pair.

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