Big Mistakes. Big Secrets.

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About a month had passed since homecoming. School had been weird without Liz, but Gwen and Ava got used to being alone.

Ava was able to stop working at the comic book store. Her apartment had been bought out, she had no idea who had done it. While Ava was grateful she didn't have to worry about her money anymore, she was always on edge when entering and leaving her home.

Peter, Ava, Ned and even Gwen had all grown a lot closer over the month. From talking in classes, to hanging out at the movies after school.

Peter and Ava had grown a lot closer. As Peter built his trust in Ava, going to her when he was injured and needed help. Ava was slowly building her trust with him, mentioning little things about her family.

Although she wasn't fully confident in telling him everything. She was scared if she spilled too much he would abandon her. Be scared of her, what she was capable of. Maybe even see her as a threat.

It was a Saturday evening, Avas turn to host their new traditional movie nights. Going around her home, hiding anything that could make the group suspicious of her. Not that she had much links back to her past within the home.

Closing down the tabs on her computer, labelled black widow. Ava had been researching her sister a lot more, she wanted to know why Natasha wasn't looking for her. Why she had given up on her and Yelena and started a new family with the avengers.

Ava loathed the avengers.

She knew that Peter was a superhero, but he wasn't an avenger. He was the exception. He was someone Ava could never hate.

As Ava stacked up her movie selection she heard a small knock at her door.

Smiling she skipped on over, swinging her door open, only to be greeted by nobody.

Her smile instantly drops, tensing up as she looks around her shared hallway with the Parker's. She looks down and sees a small note on the floor, tied with a red ribbon.

She gulps, her heart pounding as she bends down to pick up the note. Staring at it for a while, she freezes. Terrified to open it.

'I need to cancel movie night, not feeling great. I'm sorry :('

She texts Ned, Gwen, and Peter.

Locking her door in as many ways as she can, rushing to lock and cover all her windows.

Ava was scared.

She grabs a knife for protection, placing it beside her as she sits on the sofa. slowly untying the ribbon.

Unraveling the letter she scanned the page. Russian. She sighs, she had forgotten almost all of her Russian since escaping the red room.

She tried her best to read the letter, but it was no use. Ava didn't understand what it said, and this terrified her.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Jolting up, her face going extremely pale. Her heart started to race as she grips the knife in her hand tightly. As she walks to the door, she talk's herself through her plan.

Slowly unlocking her many safety locks, her beating heart got louder and louder.

'I'm not letting them take me back.' She though as she opens the door. Instantly lunging for the person on the other side.

She grabbed their arm and twisted it around tightly, kicking the back of their knee making them fall to the ground.

Ava shoves the figure against the wall, ignoring their yelps and groans as she pulls out her knife, placing it at their neck "how did you find me? Who are you?!" She yells at them, terrified.

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