Old Habits Forming.

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A few weeks had gone past. Ava was still struggling but she was able to do things on her own again, her bed rest was over.

Peter had fought his aunt May to stay home with Ava during the day, but May didn't allow it. Peter continued going to school as usual, skipping his Spider-Man duties, rushing home everyday to be with Ava. The avengers weren't all that impressed, he knew Mr Stark wouldn't be too, he just couldn't help but want to be near Ava. He had resorted to doing his Spider-Man duties at night, when Ava was resting. It was the only time he could allow himself to leave, knowing she was safe.

During the weeks, Peter had also been cleaning up Avas apartment. He wanted it to be back to normal by the time she returned. He didn't want the memory of her attack coming back to her, and he certainly didn't want to leave all that work to do herself.

During the weeks, Natasha had also been checking as much as she could. She tried to mask her worry for the girl, Natasha shared the same mindset was Ava, that weaknesses weren't good to have. She began asking Peter for updates whenever he made it to headquarters, meanwhile she had been trying to get in contact with Yelena, wanting them to reunite soon with Ava; as a family.


The scent of Peter filled Ava lungs. Snuggling into his bedding, a smile tugged at her lips. Today was the day she would be returning to school, just in time for the details of the Europe trip.

Peter had mentioned it a lot when he was home. May even agreed to sign Avas forms, allowing her to go.

During the weeks that Ava was on bed rest, Ned and Peter had been planning something big. Peter couldn't hold back how he felt about Ava anymore and planned to tell her on the trip to Europe.

The first step of the plan was to get Ava to go, and thanks to May, that step was successful.

Forcing herself to roll over, she carefully tosses her legs out of bed, sitting up. Yawning as she rubs her eyes, she looks around the room for Peter.

"Peter?" She calls out, the sound of the running water in the bathroom and the calming humming of Peter echoing through the walls, calmed Ava.

Wandering out into the kitchen, the scent of May's cooking hits her. As a smile tugs at her lips, she hops on the seat closest to May. "Good Morning May."

May spins around, a wide smile on her face. "Good morning sweetheart. Some mail was by your door today, I picked it up when I ran in for your backpack." She states sweetly, sliding over the letter.

"Thank you may." Ava picks up the letter confused, she never got mail. Running her fingers along the envelope, fiddling with the folds. Having a bad feeling about the letter, she decides now would be the best time to open it. It was the only time Peter wasn't attached to her making sure she was safe.

It's not that she didn't appreciate how attentive and caring Peter had been, it's that she knew he would automatically jump to conclusions about her being in danger again and insist she stayed with them until he knew she was 100% safe.

Sliding her finger along the folds of envelope, popping it open, she sighs. Glancing up to make sure May wasn't paying attention before pulling the paper out of the envelope.

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