Exposing The Truth.

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Adjusting her yellow blazer, observing as her friends practiced for nationals. Ava was lost in her thoughts yet again.

The thoughts of her sisters and even Spider-Man's identity, still had been playing at her mind for weeks.

Ava had one main priority on the trip to Washington DC. Figuring out how the hell Flash Thompson knows about her sister.

As if on cue the voice of Flash pulls Ava back into reality "no, no way. You can't quit on us.. stroll up and be welcomed back by everyone."

Raising an eyebrow she follows flash's gaze to see Peter putting on his blazer, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"Welcome back Peter." Ava smiles softly at the boy before climbing onto the bus, strategically placing herself next to Flash.

An hour into the drive and many grillings from Liz later, everyone finally paused for a break. Ava turns her attention to flash, using this window of opportunity to the fullest.

"Flash? Can I ask you something?" She asks sweetly, knowing exactly how to get his attention on her, and only her.

He instantly sits up, adjusting his posture "sure thing sweetheart." He smirks making Ava internally cringe.

She pushed down her disgust and continued "in practice a few weeks ago. You mentioned a black widow. Do you know her?"

Flash scoffed "I wish, she's super hot."


"How did you find out about her?" She asked curiously, wanting to gather as much information as possible.

"Are you kidding?! You don't know one of the avengers?" He looks at her, widened eyes.


"Oh uhm.. my mom really tries to keep me away from all of that." She lies "she's an avenger..?" Ava tried so hard to hide the hurt in her tone. She had knew of the avengers but never looked into any specifics, it didn't concern her.

Or so she thought.

"Thank you flash.." she said before getting up and rushing to the back of the bus, pulling out her phone.

Peter noticed Ava rushing by everyone to the back of the bus. He wondered if she was okay but didn't want to pry, so he stayed seated.

Who is black widow?

Black Widow, a former shield target. So how did she become an Avenger, how did they become a family?

Black Widow was one of the original six, joining the avengers in 2012.

Ava slams her phone on the chair beside her, being unable to read anymore. A new family? 2012?

Natasha clearly didn't know or care for Ava and Yelena anymore.

Resting her head back, she squeezed her eyes shut. Tears threatening to fall.

She truly was alone.


Ava had completely lost her focus. not muttering a word the whole rest of the ride.

Her mind was racing, tears always threatening to spill. Although she would never let them. Showing weaknesses wasn't okay, she had learned that from the academy.

Arriving at the hotel Ava grabbed her bag, dragging it carelessly behind her. Almost acting zombie like.

Noticing that Ava had been acting weird ever since they took a break from practice. Peter rushed over and picked up Ava's bag, shooting her a small smile.

The White Widow |  Peter x reader story | DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now