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It had been a couple hours since Peter had left the bus. Since the weird, circular, spaceship, rolled across New York.

Their trip to MOBA had been cancelled since the incident and Ava had headed home.

She was sat by her phone, near her door. Anxiously waiting for Peter to return. She had tried messaging him a few times but there was no reply, which only made her more worried.

Staring down at her phone, tapping nervously on the edges; she sighs. "Come on pete.. please let me know if you're okay.."


Swinging off away from the school bus, Peter couldn't stop thinking about Ava kissing his cheek.

Why had she done that? Was it because she was scared, or did Ava feel the same way?

As he swung closer and closer to the weird, circular, spaceship. Peter noticed Mr Stark fighting some aliens, quickly swinging in and catching the aliens hammer before it hits Tony.

"Hey man, what's up Mr stark?" He pushes the hammer away from them.

Tony looks over in shock "kid? Where did you come from?"

"Field trip to MoMa." While distracted the alien grabs Peter and tosses him aside.

"WoOoAah" Peter exclaims as he flew through the air. Hitting a tree, groaning quietly, he gets back up "what's this guy's problem, Mr Stark?"

Still fighting off some aliens, Tony sees Dr Strange being wizzed away.

"He's from space. He came to steal a necklace from a wizard." Tony points at Dr Strange "that's the wizard, kid. Get on it!"

Peter nods, swinging up towards Dr Strange "on it!"

Dodging all of the aliens attacks, Peter continues to swing as fast as he could; towards the 'wizard.'

Almost reaching Dr Strange, Peter comes to a holt in the air. A blue beam, shining down on Peter.

"Uh.. Mr Stark. I'm being beamed up!" Peter calls out to Tony, unsure on what to do.

Latching into the side of the spaceship, watching the city get smaller and smaller; Peter panicked.

"Pete, you gotta let go. I'm going to catch you." The voice of Tony, echoing through Karen's sensors.

Pulling his mask off his face. Feeling his chest begin to fold inwards, he gasped for air. "B-but you said to save the wizard!"

"I can't breathe!" Peter falls unconscious, his grip on the spaceship loosing.

Free falling through the air, at rapid speeds, an iron suit slaps against his body. Filling his lungs with air, finally being able to breathe again.

Peter didn't even get a chance to contain himself before he was plummeting back towards earth again.

A parachute emerges from the iron suit, the wind swooping the kid away.

"Go home, kid." Tony's voice echoed through the new suit.

As Peter was falling, he debated not fighting Mr Starks orders. He thought about going home to May, hanging out with his friends until this was all over.

The White Widow |  Peter x reader story | DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now