Plan Of Action.

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Pulling away slowly, a small smile forms on Avas face. Pressing her lips together as she blushed "so.. do you want to drink our hot chocolate and watch a movie now?"

His face burning red, his smile matches Avas. "I'd love that." He replies, forgetting all about the letters.

Handing Peter the remote to the tv, she carefully brushed the letters off the table. Picking up his hot chocolate as a cover before sitting back, carefully nudging herself closer to him.

As Peter raises the remote to press play, she gently turns her body to him "Pete?" She asked softly

His attention now on the girl, a small smile still plastered on his face "Av."

Looking down at her hands before bringing her gaze back up into his eyes, she swallows. "Since we are talking about the past.. I uhm, I have a question." Watching as the boy nods, she continues "when I was hurt and you took me to the avengers.." she pauses, not wanting to come across as weak even after kissing the boy "was uhm.. was Natasha there..?"

As peters lips parted slightly, his smile deflating. He didn't know how to tell her that she was there, that Natasha saw Ava laying in the room but hid away before she came out. He didn't want to upset Ava, but he knew she deserved the truth "yes.. she was uh.. she was there.." he spoke, almost in a whisper.

Trying to cover up her sadness, she nods, faking a small smile. "Thank you." Ava appreciated that Peter told her the truth, she could see in his eyes how much he didn't want to hurt her. Leaning in, she softly pecked his cheek before snuggling into him to watch their movie.

Keeping his eyes on Ava, a small frown forms on his face. Peter couldn't understand why Natasha wouldn't visit her, it was obvious to Peter it's what they both wanted. Turning on the movie to distract them both, his mind stayed thinking about how happy Ava would be if her family were to reunite. He understood her past, he understood that she hid her emotions because that's what she was taught to do. Peter began to wish that Natasha would come to her senses and reunite, he wanted nothing more than Avas happiness.


Avengers tower: present day.

Natasha Romanoff roams the halls of the tower, only one thing on her mind; her sisters. Strutting into Tony's lab, where he is stood finally fully recovered and well. Natasha wandered over to look at what he was working on "you're making the kid another suit?" She questioned.

Tony hums in response "this one has a lot more abilities and safety features, the last thing we need is the kid getting hurt the way I did."

"You really care about this Parker kid huh?" Natasha teased but Tony responded in a serious matter "he has already lost his parents, someone has to look out for him."

What Tony said, tugged at Natasha's heart. Although it wasn't intentional, it hurt her. She began to think about Ava. How she must have been alone for so many years, no family, nobody to look out for her. Nobody but herself. As a small frown threatens to form on Natasha's face, she fought it off. "I want off missions for a couple weeks, I'm taking a personal break." Natasha had decided it had been long enough, she was going to visit Ava. She just had no idea that others too, planned to visit her in the coming weeks.

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