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Sitting on the bus, Peter was in a panicked state. Brad had a photo of him and planned to use it against him.

Glancing down at his lap as he began to sulk, he noticed the bag from the women connected to fury. Making sure nobody seen him he grabs the bag and unzips it, noticing a small glasses case on top of a black suit. Raising his eyebrow he picks up the case, slowly peeling it open.

For the next Tony Stark
I trust you.

                               - TS

Letting out a small smile, Tony believed in him, this was proof. "Edith?" The boy whispered as to not alert anyone around him.

Hello Peter, what can I help you with?

"H-hi.." he glances back to make sure nobody is looking at him when he spots Brad moving closer to Ava. "There's uhm.. this guy in my class who is going to ruin everything with Ava, a girl I uh.. I like." He explains quietly.

I'm having difficulty hearing you Peter, please speak up.

"Brad Davis.." Peter spoke a bit louder, continuing to glance around to ensure nobody heard. "He had a photo of me."

Brad Davis, is he a target?

Taking a moment to think, looking back at Brad who was now sitting in Mj's place, talking to Ava "yeah, yes Brads a target."

Copy that. Target is Brad Davis, initiating strike. Releasing kill machine.

Instantly panicking, Peter shakes his head "initiating what now?" Taking a pause he glanced back once again "EDITH no no stop.."

"Oh my god, dope glasses Parker." Flash speaks up, taking Edith from Peter, only causing Peter to panic more. "How did you pay for these?"

"Flash give them back." Peter spoke in a panicked tone. "Please give me-" Peter reaches out for grab the glasses, accidentally punching flash, knocking him out cold "I'm so sorry." He quickly apologies as he takes Edith back. "Edith don't kill Brad."

Do you want me to cancel the drone strike on Brad Davis?

"Did you just punch flash?" A classmate questions Peter.

Raising his hands up in defence "No!" Still speaking in his panicked tone, seeing the drone get closer to the bus.


"Look at the baby mountain goats!" Peter yells, getting everyone's attention in the bus, guiding them over to the left windows.

Jumping up out of the bus, Peter fires his web shooters at the drone, taking it down. Landing back on the ground of the bus, Peter pants, finally relaxing a little.

"I don't see any mountain goats." The classmates spoke in disappointment.

Still panting, Peter shrugs "you must've missed them." He lies, having no idea that Ava had watched the whole situation from after he punched flash.

The White Widow |  Peter x reader story | DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now