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"So, then flash was going around, asking every girl in class to homecoming. He was just lucky someone caved before he got to me." Gwen chucked.

Ava was sat in the cafeteria of the school, one day until homecoming. The day her and Peter had planned for him to ask Liz.

Peter and her had been hanging out a lot during the week. Mostly due to May's constant cooking of too much food. Ava was pretty convinced she was doing it on purpose, but wasn't one to complain. She was super grateful to have the Parkers as neighbours.

The brunette lets out a small giggle "well since you don't have a date. You, Mj and I should all go as a trio. It would be cute." She smiles, sipping her water.

Gwen raises an eyebrow "what about Liz?"


Letting out a small cough, Ava tenses up "oh uhm.. y-ye-"

"Guys guess what!" Liz interrupts, rushing over to her friends "Peter Parker asked me to homecoming." A smile not leaving her face

"When did he ask you!" Gwen exclaims excited

Ava softly smiles as she looks around the room. Making eye contact with the chocolate eyed boy, already staring in her direction.

Her smile widening as she sends him a thumbs up, letting him know Liz was excited.


"You asked Liz?" Ned asked confused as to why Peter wasn't more excited.

Still looking in Avas direction he nods "yeah, I asked her."

Ned follows his gaze, assuming he was staring at Liz. "Did she say no? Why do you not seem excited?" He asks, extremely confused by his friends behaviour.

He sighs, turning to face Ned "she said yes.. it's just-" he trails off, not wanting to admit it to himself.

"It's just? What?" Ned raises an eyebrow.

"I think I might like someone else.." he whispered, feeling embarrassed and guilty.

"What!" Ned yells, catching the attention of Ava.

She looks over at the boys and giggled. assuming Peter had just told Ned about Liz, before turning her attention back to her friends.

Peter stared at Ava, guilt written all over his face.

Ned follows his gaze more carefully, seeing he was in fact staring at Ava and not Liz. "Oh my god." He looks back to Peter.

"It's her, isn't it?" Waiting for peters reaction he pauses, continuing when Peter didn't speak up. "This makes so much more sense. The whole weird chemistry book thing that happened weeks ago? The trip to DC when you were really worried about catching her? The cancelling plans and Spider-Man duties to hang out with your neighbour." Neds eyes widen.

"It's her." He repeats. Ned was starting to put all the pieces together in his head, the way they both always looked out for each other so suddenly. The way they hung out all the time, the way she knew May almost as well as he, himself did.

The White Widow |  Peter x reader story | DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now