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So bye bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the the levee was dry.
And them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye.
Singin' "this will be the day that I die."
This'll be the day that I die.

Ava jolts up from her sleep, her heart stopping when she realises she was laid on the couch with Peter.

She reaches over and turns off her alarm. Turning her attention back to Peter.

She admired the details on his face as he slept. The way his curls, fell over his face. His soft lips barely parted, a soft, quiet snore escaping them. Smiling as she saw the way, the winter sun illuminated his freckles against his pale skin.

Reaching over, shaking his leg "Peter.." she softly spoke "Peter, wake up."

Earning nothing but a groan from the boy, she giggles. "Fine, a couple more minutes and then I'm pouring water on you."

Making her way to her bedroom, she quickly hops in her shower.

"This will be the day that I dieee" she softly sung, a gentle sigh escaping her lips. she slipped on a white skater skirt, with an pink oversized hoodie.

After applying natural makeup and softly curling her hair, Ava made her way back out to the living room.

Looking over to see Peter wasn't on the couch anymore, her eyebrow raised.

"Peter?" She questioned as she walked further into her living room, feeling a presence behind her.

Her heart dropped, her body going tense. "Pete?" She stated one last time before feeling someone move behind her.

She spun around on her heels, throwing a punch as she did.

Laughing, Peter caught her punch "I just wanted to see how good you actually are, Romanoff." He teased.

Shoving him back, she rolls her eyes "asshole." A wide smile forming on her face, although she tried to fight it.

"Hey, at least I know that if one day I'm gone and can't protect you, you can protect yourself. I don't need to spidey it up to help you all the time." He teases.

"Aww, my hero" she taps his cheek, walking off to the kitchen, to grab her lunch.

His cheeks turning Scarlett, Peter coughs. "I'll meet you in the hallway, in 10 minutes." He hurried out of her apartment.

Hearing the door close, a small ouch coming from the other side of the door. Ava laughs "such a dork." Her smile not leaving her face as she packs her lunch.


Watching from the camera, her and Tony set up across the street, Natasha sighs.

"She seems really happy, Tony. Maybe what Peter said wasn't true." Frowning slightly at that thought.

Tony shakes his head "no, the kid doesn't lie look. She's just opened her computer. Isn't that you on the screen?"

Natasha takes a closer look, squinting her eyes. Tony was right. Ava was researching Natasha again, trying to check in on her. Although Natasha didn't know that.


Arriving at school, Peter and Ava part ways. Ava heading off to Gwen's locker.

"Good morning." Ava smiles, cheerfully.

Eyeing her suspiciously, Gwen closes her locker. "Spill."

Shaking her head, she laughs "nothing to spill, I'm just really happy. Plus I found out we are going on a field trip today." Technically Ava was being truthful, she just didn't say Peter was part of the reason she was really happy.

The White Widow |  Peter x reader story | DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now