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Hearing a scream, peters spider senses immediately went off. He knew that scream. His head began to dart around the area trying to locate where the scream had come from. Swinging around as he continues to scan the area, he spots Ava stumble behind a building. "Damn it Ava, you should've stayed in the Oprah." He mumbles, unaware it was loud enough for Beck to hear through his coms.

As the elements began to make it way closer to where Ava was, Peter panicked. Swinging and webbing more than he had been, doing everything in his power to get the monster away from Ava.

Trying his best to get the element away from the building, it was almost impossible. It was as though the element didn't want to budge, as if it had a target. Shooting his webs, throwing non metal objects to try and damage the element, it was no use.

The element swung its hand up, knocking half of the building over. As small pieces began to crumble, one sent Peter flying "Ava.." he mumbles as he hits the ground, terrified that she had gotten hurt.

Hearing a crash coming from behind her, parts of the building falling all around her. Ava pulled her knees to her chest, keeping her eyes squeezed shut. She had, had a building dropped on her before and Peter saved her, surely she would be alright.

Hitching in her breath as she braced her self to be buried in the rubble, Ava feels arms grip onto her waist. Assuming it was Peter, willow subconsciously hid her face in the figures chest.
Feeling a brush of someone's hair as she did, Avas heart dropped. This wasn't Peter.

Instantly lifting her head as the figure placed her down in safety. Avas eyes shot open, only seeing a glims of red hair rushing away. A frown on her face, her heart pounding, Ava rests her head against her knees. Sitting in that spot for what felt like hours.

Stumbling to his feet, Peter was in a panic. He was terrified that Ava had gotten hurt once again because of his actions. Raising his hands to web the element again, he noticed Beck bracing himself "it's too late, he is too big." "whatever happens, I'm glad we met." Beck spoke up, only leaving Peter more panicked and confused. "Beck, what are you doing?" Peter questions.

"What I should've done the last time." Beck spoke up again before flying up, straight into the element.

Peter's face going pale, although nobody could see "Beck!" He screamed, looking up at the element "Beck!!" He repeats, staring up in shock.

To peters surprise Beck emerges from the element, the element crumbling to the ground in defeat. Falling to dust. They had won.


Peter had spent most of that night hunting for Ava. He had searched under the fallen buildings incase she was buried in the rubble. He had even called her an insane amount of times in the hopes she would pick up the phone.

As a frown took form on his face, the feeling of loss stung his heart. "Let's get a drink." The voice of Beck pulls Peter out of his trance "looks like you need one."

"I'm not 21.." is all Peter could mumble, not even lifting his head to meet Becks gaze as Beck began to guide him towards the bar. "You did something good tonight kid, you gotta celebrate that."

Taking a seat, Peter really wasn't in the mood for a social outing. He wanted to find Ava, make sure she was okay. He knew there was a big chance she would be super mad at him for ditching her at the Oprah, an even bigger chance of her being mad for not telling her what was truly going on. Staring down at his phone, the text from Ned read 'still haven't found her. Mj is refusing to tell me anything about where she could've gone.'

"Fury was right.." Peter sighed, finally lifting his head to meet Becks gaze. "Mr stark wants me to be more, to be like him.. and Fury wants me to live up to the stark name.."

Setting down his drink, Beck looked at the kid "what do you want Peter?" He questions.

Raising an eyebrow confused, Peter was puzzled by Becks question "what? What do you mean?"

"What do you want Peter Parker? Right now, what do you want?" Beck questions again. "I know you're thinking about it."

Letting out a sigh, Peter confesses "I want to go back on my trip.. I want to go to Paris and give the girl I really like a gift I bought her. And then maybe.. kiss her.." he began to mumble, embarrassed for confessing his true feelings.

Seeing the regret in Peters eyes, beck knew he wasn't going to do what he had confessed. "So why don't you?"

"I have too much of a responsibility.. I can't have a normal life because stuff like this always gets in the way." Peter frowns slightly, placing the EDITH glasses on the counter top. "Having these abilities and not using them to help others, it would be selfish.."

Becks eyes light up, noticing the glasses on the table "my god. What are those? Are they-"

"The EDITH glasses.. yeah.." Peter sighs, staring down at the glasses Tony had given him.

"Try them on, let's see how they look on you kid." Beck encouraged Peter to wear them. Watching as Peter placed the glasses on his face, beck got an idea. "Can I be honest with you?" He paused "they look really stupid.. but maybe stark has a contact lens version for you." He shrugs.

Removing them from his face, Peter stared down the the EDITH glasses. his eyes lighting up as he had an idea "you try them on." Peter holds the glasses out to Beck.

Hiding his excitement, beck played it cool "no no, I couldn't." He shakes his head.

"Just put them on." Peter practically shoved EDITH into becks hands after a bit of more back and forth.

Sighing, beck placed the glasses on his head "so kid, how do I look." He questioned.

Staring up at Beck, Peter began to think about how he wasn't ready to be the next Tony stark. After all he was still only a kid, he wanted to keep playing that part for a little longer. "For the next Tony stark.. I trust you." Peter whispers to himself, looking up at Beck he knew what he had to do. "Stark left me a message with those, for the next Tony stark I trust you." Peter confesses to Beck. "Mr stark knows every mistake I've ever made, he knows I'm not ready for this which is why he gave them to me. He wanted me to find someone who was ready for this. Not some 16 year old kid from Queens. YOU."

"What? Peter no." Beck protested as Peter ripped EDITH off his face.

"EDITH?" Peter questions, holding the glasses to his face. "Hi. Yeah I'd like to transfer all control over to Quentin Beck."

"Peter what are you doing? Stark gave you the glasses." Beck continues to protest.

Shaking his head, Peter spoke up again "Mr Stark gave me a choice. You're a solider, a leader. You stopped the elements today. You saved the world." Taking the glasses off his face, Peter handed them over to Beck "welcome to the avengers."

"It's an honour." Beck couldn't hide his smile anymore.

Jumping up off his seat, Peter smiled. He felt a massive weight he lifted from his shoulders "Mr stark is going to like you." He spoke having no idea of their history, or of the massive mistake he had just made. "See you later beck!" He ran off to try and find Ava, going to speak to Mj himself first.

Watching as Peter left the bar, a smirk grew on Becks face. "We did it." He laughs as the illusion of the bar began to fade. "We did it!" Looking around at all of his helpers, his smirk grew more. "Let's get to work."


[ bit of a short one today v sorry. I wanted to end it on the reveal of beck being evil ( which we all saw coming ) Writing the next chapter as we speak :)) ]

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