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About ten minutes had passed since Yelena left her house. Ava was still stood sobbing in peters arms as he gently stroked her hair. "I'm sorry you walked in on that.. I wasn't expecting you to be here early and I- I didn't know she was here when I got home.." carefully pealing herself away from Peter, she looked into his eyes.

Peter nods "it's okay, you've not seen her in years.. your emotions are probably everywhere Av.." carefully he cups her cheek, wiping away a tear with his thumb.

Her lip trembling, her eyes now red and puffy. Ava took a deep breath "thank you Peter.." she spoke almost in a whisper to stop her tears from flowing again.

Carefully pulling her into another comforting hug, he nods "if you want to talk about it, I can order us that pizza?" He suggests, trying to think of ways that would make her feel better. Deep down Peter knew Ava wanted her family back, he could see it in the way she broke down after yelena left. Anger was there but so was sadness and love.

Her chin resting against his shoulder, she nods. Scared to speak incase the tears began to rush from her eyes again, she kept her mouth shut.

Tightening her grip around the boy, she decided to speak up again "I wish I didn't act like that.." she admits, silent tears still rolling down her cheeks "I wish I didn't start a fight with her.."

"She'll come back Av, it's okay for you to be angry at them." He attempted to comfort her but Ava only cut him off "she was right in front of me and instead of hugging her and being a family like I so desperately want.. I hurt her.. I kicked her out.." a lump forms in her throat as she holds back her sobs.

Carefully taking her hand in his, he looks into her eyes "and that's okay.. trust me Av I would've done the same"

Letting out a small giggle at his obvious lie, she appreciated how much Peter was there for her. How he always seemed to be there when she needed him, how he cared for her the way she cared for him. It was refreshing to Ava, she had never experienced that care and compassion from another before, and it was something she definitely wasn't going to take for granted. "Thank you Peter." She forces a half smile as she wipes her tears with her free hand.

Peter smiles as he carefully guides the girl over to the sofa "get comfortable while I order the pizza." He chuckles, earning a small giggle from Ava.

Watching the boy as he walked just out of reach to the kitchen, she felt eyes on her once again. Her gaze moving slowly from Peter to the window, she knew Yelena was watching. Deep down she knew her sisters and her were the same, they acted tough on the outside but hurt deeply in the inside. She knew yelena was filled with regret, she knew yelena wanted that hug as much as she did, that's why when her lips curved up into a small smile, she knew Yelena's would be the same.

A silent signal that they were both sorry, although the words would never be spoken, they knew.

"One pepperoni pizza and one cheese pizza ordered" a cheerful Peter pulls Avas attention away from the window and back to him. "Thank you." She offered him a smile as she slouched back in the sofa. "So what weird movie are you going to make me watch today Parker?" She teased.

Plopping down on the sofa beside her, he chuckles "you invited me over Romanoff, I know deep down you want to watch them."

Her smile widening, her cheeks going pink "or maybe I just wanted to spend time with you parker."

His own cheeks matching hers, Peter glances down at his hands "I always want to spend time with you Ava, all you gotta do is ask.." he spoke nervously.

Handing him the remote, she gets comfortable "put your movie on dork, we don't have all night. I still have to pack for Europe tomorrow."

Taking the remote from her, he laughs "alright, alright. I know you're desperate to watch this but no need to rush me Romanoff." He teases as he puts on the movie.

Staring up at the boy in admiration as the opening scene plays on the movie, Ava began to think about how her life was now finally falling into place. She was happy, and now with Yelena trying to come back into her life, she hoped her happiness would only grow.

But oh how wrong she would be.


A full movie marathon and two pizzas later, the pair were exhausted. As Avas eyes fluttered close while leaning on Peters shoulder, she shook her head trying to stay awake.

"I gotta pack for Europe." She yawns, not moving from her spot.

Chuckling, Peter playfully nudges her "come on then" he smiles, earning a confused look from Ava

"What? Don't you have you're own stuff to pack?" An eyebrow raised, now sitting upright on the sofa.

Shrugging it off, Peter smiled "it won't take me long, plus aunt May will just unpack then repack my bag to make sure I did it right"

A wide smile forming on her face "thank you Peter, for everything." With admiration in her eyes and a genuine tone, she raised up from the sofa, holding out her hand to him.

Taking Avas hand in his, Peter smiled back. "You don't need to thank me Av, really."

She shook her head "no I do. Thank you for always being there when I need you. You've become the most important person in my life in such little time and I haven't properly thanked you for everything you've done.." taking a pause as she exams his lovestruck face she continues "even when we first met you covered for me and didn't tell anyone about Delmars, after the blip you were there.. when I was hurt you took me to the best place you knew. Even when I asked a question that you knew the answer would hurt me.. you were honest. I really appreciate you Peter Parker."

And with that they headed to Avas room to get ready for their relaxing, stress free trip to Europe.

Or so they thought.


[ another short one today. I'm writing two new stories that I'm super excited about. Both Peter stories one involving Bucky and one involving the one and only happy hogan 🥰 ]

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