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Arriving at the school, 7am sharp thanks to May and Peter. Ava was wearing ripped, blue jeans and a nude tight skin, crop top with black converse. She had her sisters usual earrings and necklace on, her hair was sitting nicely by her shoulders, as she stood by the entrance of the school.

Watching as Peter tried to take her bag from May, she giggles "I can carry my own bag, Parker." She flashes him a smile as she takes the bag from May, spotting Mj alone in the distance. Turning to May, she gently gives her a hug "thank you May. I'll meet you inside, Peter." She spoke as she parted ways with the Parkers.

Wandering over to Mj, a shy yet friendly smile tugs at her lips "hey Mj.. can we talk?" She asked expecting a reaction similar to Gwen, being shocked and grateful when Mj shrugged and said "sure."

Taking a deep breath, apologising was hard for Ava, it was something she didn't really do. "I'm sorry for distancing myself from you and Gwen. I was uh.. going through something and I know that's not an excuse for how I just dropped you guys but-"

"I forgive you." Mj cuts her off. "As long as you don't cut me off for Parker again, I forgive you."
As a smile forms on Ava face, Mj spoke up again "sit with me on the plane?"

Knowing Peter wanted to sit with her, Ava began to feel guilty. "Sure." She accepted hoping that Ned had begged Peter to sit with him and play their dork games the whole way there.

"Sooo you and Parker huh? I must admit as much as you were all 'Peter this and Peter that' I really didn't see that one coming." Mj chuckles as they made their way up the steps and into the school

Feeling her cheeks go warm, a smile now plastered on her face, she laughs "uh no.. well." She clears her throat "we aren't.. you know. Just- we uh.." she began to stutter over her words, not knowing how to explain it. Ava didn't know what they were.

"Oh so he hasn't asked yet? I thought surely by now he would've sucked it up and asked you." Mj shrugs as they entered the classroom.

As Ava entered the classroom, her eyes met peters. He was sitting at a table next to Ned as she expected. Realising Mj was right, her smile faded from her lips. It had been really obvious for a while that the two had something going on, so why wasn't he asking her that silly little question.


Sitting with Ned, listening to him ramble on about being a bachelor in Europe, Peter locks eyes with Ava from across the room. Shooting her a kind smile, he watched as hers faded. Concern filling his body, the temptation to go and ask her if she was okay filling it too. But after watching her sit down next to Mj, he decided he would speak to her on the plane instead. "Ned you gotta help me sit next to Ava on the plane." He turns to his best friend for help.

Ned stops his rambling almost instantly, turning all his attention to Peter "but what about-"

Cutting Ned off, Peter spoke again "I have a plan. Okay first I'll sit next to Ava on the plane, next I'll pull out my dual-headphone adapter so we can watch movies the whole time. She loves watching movies. Then I'll buy her a new piece of jewellery in Venus, she likes having jewellery that means something to her."

"And how will your jewellery-" Ned tried to speak again, only to be cut off once again.

"Then when we go to Paris I can give her the gift and officially ask her to be my girlfriend." Peter whispered excitedly.

"Shh shh she's coming over." Ned whispered back, noticing the girls approaching their table fast.

"Hey dorks." Ava shoots them a smile "planning another Star Wars build?" She teased

The White Widow |  Peter x reader story | DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now