The Urge For Denial.

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A couple of weeks had now passed since the blip. The world took a pause in order to restore. Ava had been staying at the Parkers home, sleeping in the top bunk of peters bed.

She waits by the door each time Peter goes to visit Mr Stark. She knew how upset he was over it and always tried her best to comfort him when he arrived home.

Neither of them had mentioned the almost kiss that happened between them a few weeks ago. Both feared the same thing, that the other was too emotional over what had happened and got caught up in the moment.

Stepping out of the shower, the cold air hitting her face. Ava slipped on cream sweater and a dark, beige, tartan skirt.

She carefully put on her sisters jewellery before drying and curling her hair.

Stepping out of Peters bathroom, a smile forms on her face. Admiring as Peter wrote up his new web fluid syrum.

"You never take a day off, do you parker?" She teased him, walking over.

Peters gaze moved from his work to the brunette "well I had to do something while you spend all morning in the shower." A smile tugs at his lips.

Rolling her eyes playfully, she heads for his bedroom door "you're going to miss me when I'm not here tonight, and you know it."

Ava had decided that once they started school, she would go back across the hall; back to her own home.

"Come on, we are going to be late." She giggles, grabbing her bag as she heads out the door.


Walking to school, a weird tension filled the air between the two. It had been happening a lot since the almost kiss.

Avas hand softly brushed against Peters as they walked. This was accidental, obv course, although Ava made no attempt to move her hand. To stop it from happening.

Peter gulps quietly, feeling her soft hand brush by his own. The urge to hold her hand was growing more and more with each step.

He knew he couldn't, Ava didn't feel that way about him.

Quickly shoving his hands into his pockets, stopping him from making any stupid mistakes. He almost didn't hear Ava small sigh of disappointment. Almost.

Stepping onto the train, Ava purposely placing her hand directly under Peters. Her gaze met his.

"Are you nervous about this too?" Referring to attending school again, she asks.

Glancing down at her hand, before meeting her captivating eyes again; he nods. "Yeah.. a little."

Ava nods slowly, going quiet. Recently with Peter she had no idea how to carry on their conversations. Ever since the almost kiss, there has been a lot of tension, filled silences. Something neither of them knew how to fix.

Arriving at the school, Peter begins to part ways with Ava.

Ava reaches out and grabs his hand, gently pulling him back. Her heart exploding as she did.

Peter looked at her in confusion, a pink tint making its way to his cheeks. "Everything okay..?" He managed to get out.

"I uhm.. I just wanted to ask if we were walking home together today o-or..?" She was nervous, a feeling she never had around Peter, until now.

Guilt washing over his face, he shakes his head "I have the s-stark internship today.."

Ava knew what that really meant, he was going to do Spider-Man duties for a while and then go visit Tony.

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