Fight or Flight.

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Taking her time, skipping down the steps towards her apartment. Ava was happy, she was thinking about calling Gwen and inviting her over for a while. She knew Peter would be at Starks home for a couple hours after his duties being Spider-Man.

Smiling to herself as she walked down the hallway, passing a man she didn't recognise. She didn't think much of it, she just assumed he was on the wrong floor and would find his way soon.

Her cheerful attitude, overpowering her usual guarded, concerned one. Kneeling down she lifts her mat, picking up the key, heading inside her apartment.

Forgetting to lock the door behind her as she carefully kicks it shut, tossing her bag to the side.

Ava carefully gathers her hair, placing it into a low ponytail. She wanders over to her kitchen, looking for some snacks her and Peter could share later.

She understood how difficult it was for him, waiting around to see if Tony Stark would be okay. She had experienced it herself when her mother and father would go away for work, her being unaware if they'd return okay. Although Ava didn't like the avengers, she knew Peter cared for them; Nat in a way too. and that made her feel a little sympathy for the man.

Reaching up to her top shelf, grabbing a glass for some water, she senses movement in her apartment. Instantly freezing, she slowly spins around.

Her door was cracked open, ever so slightly. "May? Peter? Is that you?" She calls out, her cheerful attitude fading slightly.

She waits a couple of minutes before speaking again or making any movement.

Peering her head around for a better view of the cracked open door, she exposes her neck. "Peter? If this is you testing me again, I win. You left the door open, aren't you supposed to be-"

A sharp pain shoots through her neck, her glass slips from her hand. Hitting the floor with a bang, the glass spreads around her floor.

Her hand quickly shoots up to her neck, ripping out whatever had just injected her. Spinning around on her heels, the man from the hall stood before her.

Whatever she was injected with started to work on her fast. She fought it off as best as she could, grabbing a knife from her counter.

Blinking quickly, ignoring the dizzy spell she felt. Ava lounges towards the man, swinging the knife at him.

The man catches her arm with his hand. Using her legs she swings them around and kicks the man hard in the stomach.

The man grunts, only getting angrier. Quickly using her other hand, her fist connects with his face. Dropping the knife with one hand, catching it with the other. She slices his shoulder.

Drowsiness now hitting her, on top of the dizzy spell she felt. Ava stumbles as she makes her way across her apartment, dropping the bloody knife on the floor.

She continues to stumble, knocking things over as she tried to reach her bag by the front door. The man catches up, grabbing Ava and tossing her across the apartment. It was as if she weighed nothing to him.

Crashing through her table, the sofa now knocked over. Avas back, smacks against her tv stand. She groans in excruciating pain, all while still trying to fight off whatever she was injected with.

She felt herself getting weaker, but no way would she let herself lose this fight. Falling to her knees, she pushes herself up off the ground.

The man charging towards her, she uses all the strength she has to jump up, attaching herself to the man's shoulders.

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