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Watching as the water formed into what could only be described as a monster. Ava grabs peters arm, pulling him close to her. Truth be told, Ava was scared. She had never experienced anything other than a physical being causing them harm. Seeing an element come to life? That terrified her.

"No." Is all she could mutter to Peter, she knew exactly what he was thinking and she was determined not to loose him, the way she lost him during the blip. Ava blamed part of herself for letting him leave the bus that day, she wasn't about to make the same mistake twice.

Pulling his attention away from the water, he looked at Ava. Peter could tell by the glimmer in her eyes that she was scared, she masked her feelings well, but Peter, he always knew. "You have to find somewhere safe." He ignored her denial of him helping out.

Shaking her head, her grip tightened on his arm "Peter.. please.." she practically begged him before Ned came running down the steps, screaming his is Ned fashion.

"Ned, take Ava and run to safety." quickly turning all his attention to Ned, gently shoving Ava and the gift bag he had into Neds arms "and keep that safe!" He shouted back as he began running off towards the disruption.

"Peter!!" Ava screams after him, watching him run towards the water. "Why the hell would you let him run towards that?!" She began to argue with Ned.

"He's y-you know.." Ned stutters, trying to explain himself.

Shoving Ned in anger, Ava lost her cool "and? You'll let him run towards whatever that water thing is? How's his webs going to stop that?" Groaning and throwing her hands in the air, her fear was coming across as anger "god Ned are you that fucking dumb?! His webs are gonna go straight through that thing and he's gonna get hurt."

Not knowing what to say, Ned goes silent. Ava had never spoken to him this way before, let alone lay her hands on him.

Only getting more frustrated when Ned stood before her with a blank expression, she shoves past him, making her way towards where Peter had went.

Picking up the pace, her fast walk became a run. Running down the water bank and up the steps, she carelessly looked around for Peter. Running straight into Mj.

"Ava!" Mj grabs a hold of her, pulling her over to her, away from the water "where are you going?"

"I uhm.. I-" Ava didn't have an answer for Mj, quickly glancing around to try find Peter when she seen what looked like a man wearing a fishbowl on his head "what the.."

"Fuck?" Mj finished her sentence when her eyes followed to see what Ava was staring at.

Staring is disbelief, Ava began to convince herself this was some kind of nightmare she was having. "Are they wearing a cape and a fishbowl..?" She furrows her eyebrows, not realising the water monster was heading straight for them.

Being grabbed again by Mj, Mj began to drag Ava towards safety, running as fast as they could.

Stumbling at first, Ava gives in and began running with Mj. Her mind racing as she thought about Peter.


Sitting on the steps of the hotel reception area, anxiously staring at the tv mumbling in Italian. Cursing to herself as she wished she had listened to yelena and Natasha when they were younger when they tried to teach her many many languages.

The White Widow |  Peter x reader story | DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now