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Ava found herself back at the hotel after what felt like sitting on the streets, in fear, for hours. Who had grabbed her? Who had saved her? Where was Peter?

Laying in the hotel bed, preparing herself for the trip home tomorrow, she had asked Mj to keep telling Ned she had no idea where Ava was. Ava wanted to speak to Peter in person, not through his best friend.

As she eventually shut over her eyes to rest for the night, a soft knock on the door disturbed her. Glancing over at Mj, Ava saw that she was fast asleep. Letting out a small sigh, Ava got out of bed, still in her dress, slowly opening the door. "Look Ned, I don't know how many times you need to come to this door before getting the hint that I don't want to talk to you so you can run off and tell Peter everything I've said before he gets the guts to come talk to me again.." she began to ramble on before looking up, seeing Peter stood outside of her door. "Peter.."

Looking at Ava, a relived breath escaped his lips "I'm so sorry." Is all Peter could say before he felt Avas arms wrap around him, pulling him into a hug. Quickly hugging back he rests his head down on top of hers, so thankful that she was okay. "I-I'm not ready for this trip to be over.. d-do.. do you wanna maybe go somewhere?" He questions.

Nodding as she slowly pulled herself away from his embrace "just let me grab my coat.."

Taking a deep breath, Peter was finally ready to take his break and focus on Ava. Unaware on what Beck was planning in this very moment.

Grabbing her coat from the rack, pulling it onto her body. She glanced over at Mj, seeing she was fast asleep. A smile tugging at her lips as she walked back to the door, opening it again to reveal a nervous Peter. "Ready to go?" She spoke softly, sensing his nerves.

Nodding he hesitated before spinning around and walking through the hotel lobby with her. After a couple of moments of silence, peter decided to speak up "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about what was going on. It's just.. you were mad about me fighting the first one and-"

Ava quickly cuts him off "I wasn't mad Peter. I was scared to lose you again.. after what happened on our trip to MoMa." She stops, not wanting to even talk about the blip. "I watched you walk off on me before, going against something you had no knowledge in and you didn't return... I just didn't want to lose you again." Ava admits.

Stopping in the middle of the streets, Peter looks up at Ava. His eyes soften as he gently takes her hands in his "you're never going to lose me again. I promise."

Nodding slowly, she softly squeezed peters hands for comfort. A soft smile forming on her face, she gently pulls the boy in for a hug. Closing her eyes she takes in his scent as she rests her head down on his shoulder. Doing so she noticed some form of technology bugging out behind him.

Tilting her head, Ava slowly pulls away from the hug "Pete? What's that?" She questions, not wanting to go near it incase it sparked an electric shock.

Turning to meet her gaze, he noticed the technology too. "Stay there." He holds out his hand to keep her at arms length and safe. Carefully leaning down he reached to pick up the technology, accidentally setting off part of a hologram.

Frightened by the sudden hologram of what seemed to be a monster, Ava grabs Peter and pulls him to her.

His eyes widening as he realised what it was. It was an element monster, the very thing himself and Beck were fighting against that night. "Oh my god.." he whispered out. "Oh my god I've made a terrible mistake!" The panic began to settle in.

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