Mr Stark.

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The rest of that weekend, Peter made sure to continue to check up on Ava. She was pretty shaken up about finding out about the red room and her sisters.

He brought her Aunt Mays cooking every night, making sure Ava actually ate and was going to sleep.

Peter felt guilty that Ava didn't have a normal childhood. From what Ava had told him, it sounded like torture.

Peter didn't blame her for anything they made her do, under their control. He knew how evil the world could be.

What mattered now was talking to mr stark about Ava.

After spending the whole weekend with her, he could tell she missed her sisters. As angry as she tried to seem with them, her love for them overpowered her hate.

He had decided that during his check in that day he would bring up the topic, and hope Mr Stark could help him.

Exiting Happy's car. The breeze hitting his cheeks, staring up at avengers headquarters, Peter got nervous.

He began to think of all the things that could possibly go wrong, bringing up this topic. He had no idea how Mr Stark would act, or even how Ava would act if she found out.

Ava hated the avengers. She would definitely hate Peter for going to them for help.

Pushing open, the ceiling length doors. Peter wandered inside, happy following close behind.

"Ah, kid. You're finally here." The clicking heels on Tony's shoes, echoed the entrance.

Placing his arm around Peter's neck, Tony guides him towards the living quarters; just by the meeting rooms.

"Come on, much to discuss today."

Peter's stomach started to churn, the nerves hitting him again "u-uhm.. Mr.. Mr stark.."

Waving his hand in dismissal. walking through the living quarters, where Natasha, Steve, and Sam all sat.

"Save it for the office, kid."

"Whatdoyouknowabouttheredroom?" Peter quickly spat out, nervously.

As if the world came to a holt, the room fell silent. Everyone's eyes falling on a particular red head.

Tony was stunned, he had no idea how the kid knew about a place like that.

"Natasha, why don't you join our meeting today." Tony finally spoke up, after what felt like hours of silence.

Quickly guiding Peter into an office, Natasha shutting the door behind them.

"Speak." Tony stated in a firm tone, the kind of tone he had with Peter when he took his suit.

Peters gaze slowly fixes on Natasha, seeing the look on her face made him regret immediately bringing it up.

"I uhm.." Peter whispered out.

The redhead walks over, taking a seat in front of Peter. "How do you know about the red room?"

Natasha knew there was no way for some civilian to know of the red room. Not even half of the avengers knew, just Clint and Tony.

It was impossible to find information online, there was none. The only way Peter would know is if he had a connection to the red room, someone who told him everything.

"A friend of mine.. she uhm.." Peter was regretting bringing this up. what would happen if he told them, Ava told him everything. Would she be in trouble?

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